Monster Dash? Share your experience

Short story – my wife is trying to talk me into a Monster Dash in July. It looks like fun, but it also looks like it could be hell. I’m looking to hear any experiences from all levels of athleticism.

Longer story – my wife is a runner, but I hate running. She’s tried to get me doing some races with her, but for a multitude of reasons (the most valid being that my dad, sister, and brother are all runners, and have all had knee surgery, and my knees aren’t perfect already) I’ve given it up (we ran a couple together a few years ago).

Her latest kick is trying to talk me into a Monster Dash. They have one coming to our area in July. It gives me plenty of time to train, but I’m not sure of the actually intensity of the event. When she told me about it being an obstacle course, and having to climb walls, I figured I was out right away (I have horrid upper body strength), but then I checked out the pictures, and the wall only looked about four feet high.

Thus, I’m looking to get some real experiences shared. I don’t care if it is good or bad or in between, I’m just curious to hear different points of view.


  • emilysebastian
    emilysebastian Posts: 245 Member
    Do you mean Warrior Dash? I tried googling Monster Dash and could only find 1/2 marathon results, but none with any obstacles. If it is Warrior Dash, there was a gal earlier this week that posted a blog about her Dash over the past weekend--you might be able to find if by searching in Blogs :)

    Good luck if you decide to participate! I am doing it in Sept (Oregon) with my hubby, and so excited!!!
  • anzura
    anzura Posts: 171
    I did the Merrell Down and Dirty 10k last October and it was a BLAST!! I'm pretty sure you mean Warrior Dash, which is very similar. There's all mixed abilities out on the course. It's more fun than a race. I did a lot of walking waiting to get through certain obstacles. A lot of people walked the whole way. It's crazy fun and you should do it!

    The obstacles are not hard at all. Don't worry about not being able to complete them.
  • BullDozier
    BullDozier Posts: 237 Member
    Do you mean Warrior Dash? I tried googling Monster Dash and could only find 1/2 marathon results, but none with any obstacles. If it is Warrior Dash, there was a gal earlier this week that posted a blog about her Dash over the past weekend--you might be able to find if by searching in Blogs :)

    Good luck if you decide to participate! I am doing it in Sept (Oregon) with my hubby, and so excited!!!

    Dangit. Yes, I do mean warrior dash. Stupid going off memory from a whole two hours ago. :grumble:

    I'll try to find that blog. Thanks! :smile:
  • BullDozier
    BullDozier Posts: 237 Member
    The obstacles are not hard at all. Don't worry about not being able to complete them.
