Time of excersize

Random questions - Does anyone find that they workout better at certain times of day?

I simply HATE exercising before midday, and almost always perform better the later the time of day (Ive gone out for midnight runs, and done better than ever!)

But then again, i have always seen myself as a night person - but oddly enough i HATE working at night (its my me time, social time not work time!!!!)


  • hamiltonba
    hamiltonba Posts: 474 Member
    I think we're twins.....
  • daniellejg
    I'm the opposite, sort of. The earlier I workout the better, because if I tell myself I'll do it later, I will more than likely either get busy doing something else or just feel like relaxing towards the end of the day. Although I agree on the working part, I hate working at night as well.
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    I normally workout between 7 - 9 pm
  • johnwhitent
    johnwhitent Posts: 648 Member
    You have one twin here, now you have an anti-twin! I love to exercise in the AM. That way nothing stops me. If I wait till after work there is a 50% chance something will grab the time - new project at work, someone at work is sick, wife requires something, etc. Actually I do two-a-days, but the most important exercise of the day comes first thing. It took me a long time to cultivate the early morning habit; I want to sleep in like everyone else. But now that I have ingrained AM exercise into my life I will never give it up. Right now I trail run three days a week with my two dogs at the river. I get to see the sun come up over the river and my dogs running and swimming free. Priceless! And the other mornings I wake up with Tony Horton and P90X. Life is so good!
  • zydratethief
    Right now I trail run three days a week with my two dogs at the river. I get to see the sun come up over the river and my dogs running and swimming free.

    Maybe its because i live in the city.... i have a huge park i live right next too, and it looks absolutely majestic at night time, with the full moon towering over it, and the lights giving off a pale yellow glow, lighting up my path, no one else about to watch me as a i drum along to the songs on my play list!
  • Serenitytoo
    Serenitytoo Posts: 449 Member
    I have tried but can't get into a routine of working out in the morning. I tend to do it after work, so usually between 6-8pm. It just makes dinner so late, that is my major issue there.
  • johnwhitent
    johnwhitent Posts: 648 Member

    i have a huge park i live right next too, and it looks absolutely majestic at night time, with the full moon towering over it, and the lights giving off a pale yellow glow, lighting up my path, no one else about to watch me as a i drum along to the songs on my play list!

    Good for you! I appreciate anyone getting out and enjoying the outdoors. That's a different world than my rural mountains and rivers but it sounds wonderful. Enjoy!
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    I've just started getting up @ 6am to get a 20-30 min jog in... but I find for the first 5-10 minutes that I'm sluggish...
    that I can't put enough effort into it... whereas if I was jogging in the evening I know I could do it better.