New to the site

Hello all, I am new to the site, my mom told me about this site. I had gastric bypass surgery six years ago and I lost quite a bit of weight but then I got comfortable and gained a little of the weight back, I am still healthier than I was, but I want to be back under 200 pounds and learn to stay that way. I have two boys 18 and 13 and the 13 year old and I are both very active with the Boy Scouts of America, we do a lot of hiking and camping and I need to remain active. I am hoping that this site will help keep me on track.



  • ChelseaRW
    ChelseaRW Posts: 366 Member
    Welcome to Myfitnesspal! It has been wonderful to me! As long as you log in everyday..I think you will find it a highly motivational and eye opening tool for you! It has been for me...there are so many inspirational stories on here!
  • tjanette1216
    tjanette1216 Posts: 7 Member
    Welcome Alicia! Hope to see you around often!