The Dancing Muffin

This is a little embarrassing :blushing: but I thought I’d ask for advice! I have belly fat above my belly button that hangs down over it and kind of folds over my belly button. AKA MUFFIN TOP. I’ve been losing weight and my muffin top has gone down a bit from where it was, but it’s still flopping there.

I do a lot of cardio, running – zumba class. When I do, my muffin top is really starting to bother me. When I jump up – it stays up after I've already come down, then the muffin top plops down a few seconds later! When I run, it jiggles. It's really uncomfortable since I feel like this huge mass is about 2 seconds behind the rest of my body’s movement!

My question is: does anyone else have this problem? Are there special clothes or techniques to try to eliminate the muffin top from dancing off beat? I saw a show once where this guy had to wrap something around his belly, so his loose skin wouldn’t bother him. I’m not asking for “spot reduction” techniques. I already know my belly will be the last thing to go and I am working on it (cardio / strength training)! I’m more asking around methods to eliminate the discomfort or to try to “tame it” while I wait for it to leave. :ohwell:

Any advice would be appreciated!! Thank you in advance!!!


  • Bridgetc140
    Bridgetc140 Posts: 405 Member
    I know there are like wrap around girdle type things that help to suck in the midriff. I believe they sell them at Target. This could definitely make you more comfortable to shake your groove thang at Zumba class! Good luck!
  • WildFlower7
    WildFlower7 Posts: 714 Member
    When shopping in the lingerie section at some stores I see body shapers, I'm guessing that, that my friend is exactly what they would be for. I've seen them everywhere in all different forms, kind of look like a 1 piece bathing suit.
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    There is a new line of workout clothes from . . . rebock or nike I think. They have fabric that criss crosses so it hugs you (kind of like spanx but not to that extreme). This may be a good option to help for now.
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    I think you are going to need some squeezy spandex shaper thing, and maybe google exercise support or something for more ideas. Like a bra for your muffin until you can 1. get it smaller and truss it up better or 2. get it tummy tucked if it's still too much going on when you are nearer goal. Keep going lady! Good job!!
  • Serenitytoo
    Serenitytoo Posts: 449 Member
    I have a belt type thing that I got at walmart in the fitness section. It just wraps around and velcros shut. I find it keeps it from jiggling too much. Nothing more distraction that feeling it all bounce to a different beat :laugh: :laugh: It also serves to remind me to keep my abs tight while working out :smile:

    You are definately not alone with this issue :flowerforyou:
  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member

    I've heard these body wraps really help tone the stomach section and get rid of inches. I've tried one myself and lost 2 1/4 inches in the first 45 minutes.

    I still have quite a bit of weight left to lose so I'm going to hold of buying more but I will start using them again once I get down to my goal weight. I hate my stomach area, since having kids it's gone to hell in a hand bag if you know what i mean. LOL
  • MeliciousMelis
    MeliciousMelis Posts: 458 Member
    If I am dancing to workout, like zumba, I wear spanx underneath. I don't like the jiggle, and I'm even in front of a mirror, so watching my jiggle jiggle is just totally demotivating. With the spanx underneat, I'm held in nicely.
  • patricac
    patricac Posts: 255 Member
    Thanks everyone for your suggestions, looks like there are many options out there!! It's a bit of an embarrassing question - so I really appreciate all the feedback. I'm going to be checking out the brands and items mentioned. I've never heard of some these things and can't wait to go shopping. It'll be great to have less discomfort during cardio exercises :smile:
  • jodik11
    jodik11 Posts: 64 Member
    Spanx work great. I wear them almost everyday just to feel better about myself. My muffin is love handles on the side and I really don't love them.
  • patricac
    patricac Posts: 255 Member
    If I am dancing to workout, like zumba, I wear spanx underneath. I don't like the jiggle, and I'm even in front of a mirror, so watching my jiggle jiggle is just totally demotivating. With the spanx underneat, I'm held in nicely.

    Yeah, I know what you mean! I noticed it more today in Zumba class since I was on the side with a mirror. I was like "OMG, how embarrassing!" I've been feeling uncomfortable, but didn't realize I looked uncomfortable! :tongue:
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    I just wanted to write to tell you you're not at all alone! I have extra flab above my belly button too. Above the belly button pooch has always been my largest area. now that I've lost quite a bit of weight it's the one spot that is really hanging on. I've been on my journey for a long time and I've seen the rest of my body change and this spot is still such a problem. I'm hoping with continuing cardio and some strength training it will eventually go away. Sorry no real advise.. I wear a tight cami under a t-shirt at zumba and it helps a little.

    Congrats on your loss! Keep it up :)
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member

    I've heard these body wraps really help tone the stomach section and get rid of inches. I've tried one myself and lost 2 1/4 inches in the first 45 minutes.

    I still have quite a bit of weight left to lose so I'm going to hold of buying more but I will start using them again once I get down to my goal weight. I hate my stomach area, since having kids it's gone to hell in a hand bag if you know what i mean. LOL

    These really work?? I'd like to see it in action...
  • patricac
    patricac Posts: 255 Member
    I just wanted to write to tell you you're not at all alone! I have extra flab above my belly button too. Above the belly button pooch has always been my largest area. now that I've lost quite a bit of weight it's the one spot that is really hanging on. I've been on my journey for a long time and I've seen the rest of my body change and this spot is still such a problem. I'm hoping with continuing cardio and some strength training it will eventually go away. Sorry no real advise.. I wear a tight cami under a t-shirt at zumba and it helps a little.

    Congrats on your loss! Keep it up :)

    Thank you for your comment! Yeah, that stomach area is just so annoying. I'm hoping to not have to do surgery, but won't even consider it till I reach my goal weight. Great idea to try a cami! I have those readily available, will try that for my run tomorrow and see if it helps. :smile: