New to myfitnesspal

Options name is Annette.
I'm 34 years old. On January 3, 2011 I was 330 lbs. I started eating healthier and getting more exercise and as of March 23, 2011, I have lost 42 lbs and weigh 288 lbs. I was using a different site but they kept losing my information so I thought I would give myfitnesspal a try. I totally welcome any buddies that would like to contact me and we can help each other along the way. I would really like a walking partner if anyone is in the Orange County, Ca area around the 57fwy & 91fwy.
Good luck to you all!


  • amyrc12
    amyrc12 Posts: 183 Member
    Welcome! I hope you grow to love it here as much as I do.
    The people (my MFPeeps as I like to call them) are amazing and give so much support and motivation!
    Feel free to add me!

    and 42lbs lost already - AWESOME!!! You have an amazing start on this journey already!!
  • candygrl1980
    What have you been doing to lose the weight. Im new 2 just started dieting yesterday!! Looking to lose 50-80 lbs!! Thanks!
  • lilsweetslol
    lilsweetslol Posts: 68 Member
    WELCOME TO MFP !! You came to an awesome website for support and motivation and advice.... feel free to add me . I live all the way on the other side of the states though, South Carolina. hee hee sorry, hope you find some MFP peeps in your area to team up with for walking. Good luck to you and keep loggin in every day :flowerforyou:
  • GalaxyFan
    Thank you so much Amy! I am so happy I found this site......I love all the support from others going through the same thing I am :-)
  • GalaxyFan
    Hi Candygrl,
    I cut out soda and started drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day. I make sure to keep track of my calories daily. I made sure I did not cut anything out of my diet completely (carbs/sugar) so that I am able to stick with it, on a daily basis I do make sure the carbs are from oatmeal/whole grains and sugars are from fruit etc. When we have had parties and cake is being served I break out the sugar free chocolate pudding. I still eat pizza (my downfall) and other things occasionally. The trick with me was to not eat pizza one day and think that I had blown my whole diet. I am looking at it as more of a lifestyle change than a diet and since this is a lifestyle change, this is for life. Am I not ever going to eat pizza for the rest of my life? No. Am I going to limit it? Yes. So now when I eat something "bad" I don't feel bad I just continue eating healthy. I walk about 3 times a week...trying to get myself to walk more often. I go back and forth between walking 1 hr outside at about 2 mph pace and on the treadmill at 2.5mph alternating with jogging at 3.5mph and no incline and incline at level 5. I don't know a whole lot about health and fitness but this has been working for me :-)