Trying on clothes....depressing!!!

Ok, so I just had a baby 35 days ago and I have already lost the 20lbs I gained with him. Wonderful news right?! Besides the fact that I was already overweight when I had him! I have about 40lbs to lose....Anyways....tried on a pair of my pants that I wore before I got pg with him and they don't fit. What the heck?! So I go to the store and try some on - DEPRESSING!! I was in a size 13/14 before I had him so I tried on a size 15 and they were way too tight! Not to mention the huge muffin top I have! I figured I would be able to fit into my old jeans since I lost my pg weight but NO! I had a c-section so I can't exercise yet but I am already losing hope! I used to be in a size 10 jeans before I got pg with my 6 year old and I would love to be back there again...but I just don't know....I used to love going clothes shopping too but not now! Nothing fits!!!!


  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    Every pregnancy completely changes your body . . . and your shape. Don't be depressed, you have two beautiful children to show for it and it will come, just give yourself the gift of some patience!
  • TaraLawrence11
    TaraLawrence11 Posts: 56 Member
    Hang in there it will get better....I had the same issue (I have a 5 1/2 month old) and I am now finally able to say that my before baby jeans are getting to takes a while but you will get there!!
  • woja9640
    woja9640 Posts: 450 Member
    Don't be discouraged. You're not the only one with this problem.

    I have this problem... not just with the clothing sizes, but also length as well. I am 4' 7" tall and was 170.... am now 156 thank you very much LOL, and I have to really look for pants.

    I have to check out cut, size and length. I can't get high waisted pants because they go higher than my waist. I also try to find pants that would be what we call "high waters" or "capri's" on average height women, because they end up becoming full length pants on me, without having to pay the extra money to get them hemmed by a tailor.

    It can be discourageing and intimidating when buying clothes. But you need to remember tht it is only temporary. Since you have started on your way by using this site and getting ready to exercise once you are cleared by your doctor I have no doubt you will get to your goal.

    As Stacy and Clinton from TLC's "What Not to Wear" say, "Dress the body you have, not the body you want!"
  • Sigra
    Sigra Posts: 374 Member
    Cheer up :) Take some soothing baths and relax about it! There is no reason to stress while your body is going through all these changes right now with the baby. Especially after having a C-section, you need reset time before workout time.

    Use this as a time to think about what goals you want to set for yourself :) Maybe look at the kitchen and figure out if any foods need to be removed/added. Then set out a simple work out plan that will get you back in action!
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,238 Member
    I don't want to offend you, but it will take more than 35 days to get back from pregnancy. There are muscles that have been stretched out for 40 weeks that now need to un-stretch. Until you are done your recovery from the c-section and can start doing core exercises you cannot help them along. For not concentrate on losing weight healthily for the next while until you are cleared for more strenuous exercise. Once you can start doing planks you will find it will pull those belly muscles in. Be patient is all I can say at this point.
  • lvnspoonful
    lvnspoonful Posts: 391 Member
    Thanks everyone! I am not a very patient person which is probably why if I don't see instant results from a diet I quit! lol I have been doing good - thanks to this site! It used to be really hard eating healthy with my family but now we are all eating healthier and I am only cooking healthy things for dinner. Used to be I would cook dinner for them and then just eat a salad but that didnt last long at all! Now we are all eating healthier and I do feel better. I know it will take time to get to my goal and I need to be more patient. Just sucks that I am still wearing my maternity pants to go out (store, bank, daycare, etc). And I don't really want to go buy a BIG pair of pants that I hopefully will not wear for long.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,238 Member
    Just so you know, eating healthier, and upping your protein a bit from the MFP standard, will help you heal faster as well as it gives your body what it needs to put everything they took apart in the c-section back together. You can do it.
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    I feel the need to give you some tough love, so take it as YOU JUST HAD A BABY!!! GET OVER YOURSELF! Now with that said, seriously, you've already lost 20lbs, thats amazing!!! You are doing great, Being a mom of 1 is hard, and I'm only guessing a mom of 2 is never ending. Celebrate your accomplishments! We are all proud of you!

    Also, I can totally relate. I was a 8/10 before getting pregnant with small tops, after baby 1 I was a medium/large on top with size 14 pants, so I know all about depressing clothes shopping experiences and crying in dressing rooms. But you know what, it's true, we don't gain it all overnight, we can't expect it to all fall off over night! You WILL get to where you want to be, just be patient!

    Now as far as how depressing shopping is, maybe only buy 1 or 2 really great pair of pants, who cares what size, only you will know, but get some that make you feel fabulous! If your lower half is bigger than the top like mine, maybe get dark wide leg trouser denim pants! Get some fun tops that show off your assets (wink, wink) or if you have nice arms show them! You don't need to buy a whole new wardrobe because you will get back to your old one, you just need a few pieces to make you feel great in the mean time. When I'm depressed I like to buy new workout clothes. Getting new underwear and bras always boost my mood too (even though right now I'm enjoying my granny panties!) And maybe you should treat yourself to some new make up, cheap earrings or a little hair and color. Do whatever will give you a mood boost right now, and know that you are rocking this! Most docs won't even talk about diet and exercise at 35 days so you are ahead of the game. Just don't give up, we've all been there, and in a few short months I'm going to need this same pep talk and will want to hear about how you overcame it all so CHEER UP!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    DO NOT BEAT YOURSELF UP. You've just had a baby. I was barely conscious a month after having my first (also a section). I hate to say it, but your body is different now. You will be more prone to weight around the middle. I am back to my pre-pregnancy weight (my youngest child is now 3 1/2, and it has taken me this long, AND I only put on half a stone once you take the baby and placenta out of the equation), but I still don't fit my old jeans, because my body has changed, most people's do.

    It takes 9 months to make a baby, and a minimum of 9 months for your body to recover after. For most people, it's more like 2 years until you start feeling like you again. So don't stress. Enjoy your baby, because they are small for such a very very short time. Make the most of it.