why do I feel so crappy?

tomorrow is weigh in day for me and i knew that all day - had it in my head. I was under my calorie goal today and although I didn't eat my normal "healthy" foods today what I did eat I made sure I only ate 1/2 or 1/4 of what I had in front of me. I also exercised my butt off tonight. Why do I feel so guilty and crappy? I am actually petrified to get on that scale tomorrow...........God I am pathetic! I am normally NOT this bad but I know that if I gained or didn't lose anything this week I am going to blame it on the "crap" i ate today,,,,does this sounds completely stupid?
I have been soooooooooooo good all week! Just want to completely skip tomorrow like it's not even going to come. UGH!
sorry just needed to get that off my chest.
I know that I am not "over weight" but ever since I looked at what I "should" weigh the BMI it tells me I should be between 94 - 119 lbs. I guess I just don't understand how it can calculate that considering it doesn't know what build each person is, I am 5 foot and 124 lbs. Yes I would like to be 115lbs but ever since I looked at that it's made me feel terrible now. Again sorry for the "i feel sorry for myself" blog - just really feeling crappy today and again I really am normally not this Blah :(