Could my stall-out in weight loss affect my workouts?

I posted earlier today on an unscientific theory I have regarding overcoming plateaus during weight loss ( )

After tonight's run, I'm beginning to wonder if the body is so desperate to stay at this weight that it won't release energy stores for my exercising.

I'm not worried. I know I'll eventually be able to convince myself to get through this rut, but man, tonight was TOUGH. Granted I began tonight's 3 mile run with a 0.3 mile run uphill (I'll have to look but I'm going to guess close to 200' of elevation gain). I jogged back to my starting spot before continuing the run, but partway into my 2nd mile I just felt gassed, and so as soon as I hit the 2-mile mark I walked about a half mile. I ran about .2 miles, then walked another .2 and finished with a 12+ mph sprint.

My paces had been gradually dropping and last Saturday in my 5K run I ran at a 10:33 pace, then Monday I could only muster an 11:05 and today was just 12:21 including the walking portions.

So it could have either been the hill that I started with, the "post 5K blahs," or maybe my body is freaking out so badly about going below 260 that it's not letting go.

Has anyone else experienced this in their workouts when their weight has stalled out?


  • ocsurfmama
    ocsurfmama Posts: 127
    A trainer at the gym I go to was talking to me about the plateaus. He had noticed that I have been busting my butt doing a ton of Cardio. He told me that Cardio should be done 3 - 4 days a week, but up strength training (weights, various weight machines) to work the muscles more. He said adding the strength training helps reduce the water retention that will store up in muscles during cardio and you will burn more real fat while firming.

    In my case, by adding more strength training my weight finally started dropping again and I feel even better and see more change!
  • daddyratty
    daddyratty Posts: 305 Member
    Thanks for the reply, ocsurfmama ... anyone else have this issue?