New and need help??

trisha5k Posts: 10 Member
Hi there, I am fairly new and could use some help on using this, i have the basics down but i could use help on things like how to find out how many calories burned when the exercise is not on the list, how to add the counter and just little things.

I am a 40 something wife,mom, mamaw, friend and more. I am pretty active on the farm and love life I gained 100 pounds in 9 months a few years ago and have not been able to lose it. I had a hysterectomy, quit smoking, and became a sahm during that time and it seems my body just gave up. I have tried every diet out there but really hate diets, i did my first week on this and dropped 2 pounds so happy hope this works it seems like a great and simple way to lose weight without all the restrictions? if you can offer any support or help please do so.

Created by - Free Calorie Counter


  • thektturner
    thektturner Posts: 228 Member
    As far as a better calculator for calories burned, look here:

    They have a pretty extensive list of activities. The best way to really calculate them accurately for you, though, is to get a heart rate monitor. Low end is about $80 though for a decent one, so I'd only get one if you're serious about exercise. I waited until I was like 7 months in to get one, once I knew I would keep at the exercise and it wouldn't be a wasted purchase. You can find product reviews for different models if you google them.
  • idahogirl71
    idahogirl71 Posts: 1,110 Member
    I just purchased a heart rate monitor on e-bay as you can get better prices on there. As for a website that has more of a calorie burn list I use

    Hope this helps:) and feel free to add me if you would like