Started about a month ago and so far so good

I found this on the android market a little over a month ago now. So far I love it. I'm trying to be more healthy and have alot of weight to loose. I just recently went to the website, I never expected all the support there is to find here!

I have been trying to limit what I eat and been using ea sports active 2 for the wii and the biggest loser challenge for the wii.

I know a lot of you will have good tips and ideas of what has worked for you. If you have any additional ideas or anything else i could be doing please feel free to let me know or add me as a friend.

SW 285 lb
CW 249.2 lb
Goal 200 lb by summer 2011
Final Goal 155 lb

Created by - Free Calorie Counter


  • SarahJaneDeschamp
    SarahJaneDeschamp Posts: 359 Member

    Ive been here just over 2 weeks, and im HOOKED, this site is sooo great and the people here so supportive, id love to share this journey with you. well done on how you've done so far.

  • CassieLEO
    CassieLEO Posts: 757 Member
    I started about 3 plus weeks ago myself and im already down 9 pounds! I looooove this site!!!! Good luck to you! We can all do this together!!!
  • delilah514
    delilah514 Posts: 126 Member
    wow! Congrats on the weight loss that is a lot in such a short time!

    & welcome to the crew. I have found a lot of good support on here myself. Makes checking in here every day a lot easier with the great group of people around!

    The weight is coming off a bit slower for me, but I have years of extreme dieting to blame for that. Doing it this way calories in calories out is slow but steady I can say it is working, just slower then I would like. I find that the best thing for me is if I know I have something coming up like a dinner out or a party, something I know there will be more calories I will consume. I be sure to get a good workout in that day & try to burn as many calories as possible. It has really helped me from gaining back everything I had lost like I used to do. I have become much more active since joining this site (I was already pretty active before) but now I do it every day instead of just some days.

    Keep up the hard work, sounds like your doing great!
