small survey for working moms



  • Kkelleypatricl
    I am a working single mother, I have just started the P90X program and I am 4 days into it. I have been working out in the evening. Around 7ish every night.
  • lizzyb0601
    lizzyb0601 Posts: 160 Member
    I do it after I put the to bed.

    With it being soo dark still in the morning I cannot drag myself out of bed any earlier.
  • isabelk
    isabelk Posts: 153 Member
    I don't! And the scale hasn't budged in 2 weeks. Eating right will only get me so far.
  • smc1277
    smc1277 Posts: 239 Member
    5:30 when I get home. It has taken almost a month for them to get in the habit, but they know now that when I get home I get 30 minutes to exercise before they start needing everything. The only exception is on Tuesday and Thursdays when we have soccer practice, I will then wait until we get home and I get them in bed.
  • catherine1979
    catherine1979 Posts: 704 Member
    I usually go to yoga at 8 pm after my son is in bed for the night. I am starting a running program on April 4, it is at 6:30 pm so that will leave my husband to feed and put our son to bed.
  • kcmomof2
    kcmomof2 Posts: 457 Member
    I workout first thing in the morning (5am) before anyone else gets up. It is hard to get a good workout in with a toddler and preschooler running around trying to help you.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I get up an hour before my kids wake to work out. I also will do Yoga after they are in bed. I'm not a TV watcher and will work out whenever I'm standing still for too long. When DH works late and I didn't get an AM work out in, my boss will watch the kids while I run, he has video games at his house and cable tv, two thinks we don't have at home so it's a treat for them.
  • rhiannon1979
    rhiannon1979 Posts: 166 Member
    I get up around 5 a.m to get my workouts in. Otherwise I have too many excuses not to and also feel bad about not spending time with my family. I am also starting to meet up with a friend to walk at lunch a few days a week since we work so close to each other.
  • polar5554
    polar5554 Posts: 576 Member
    I also have a full time job with a six year old and a 22 month old (girls).

    The only time, I have is in the morning before they get up.

    The alarm is set for 5:15 but I usually roll out of bed around 5:30.
  • mindy71183
    Right now I am doing the 30DS at 5:00am every morning, and on Tuesdays , Thursdays (6:50 - 7:35) and Saturdays (9:00-10:00) I take some sort of cardio class (Insanity or Bootcamp) at the gym. The nights I don't have class I try to work out after my daughter goes to bed. It's hard, but I want good results so I stick to it!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I work out at 8:30 at night, until about 10:00, get my protein drink in, shower and in bed by 11:30...My kid goes to bed at 8:00, talk to the fiance until about 8:15 and then I'm downstairs going all out...I do this 4 days a week.
  • MyBeautyIsSkinDeep
    Early mornings are the best time for me ,IF for some reason I want to lay my head back a little longer then I work it out right after I perpare their dinner and go hard for hour and a half!! but my kids are old enough to fin for there self a little!!!:bigsmile:
  • JennS19
    JennS19 Posts: 642 Member
    Being a mother of 2 young children, working full time and taking 12 credit at school....the only time i really find time to work out is early in the morning (which never seems to happen since I love sleep to much :laugh:) or after the kiddos are in bed. Or sometimes I can convince my hubby to let me work out while they are eatting dinner and then we switch and I put them to bed while he works out.
  • BrickHouse2011
    BrickHouse2011 Posts: 91 Member
    i work out on my lunch break. I eat lunch at me desk and i go to the gym at my job on my official break time.
  • 1RareJewel
    1RareJewel Posts: 440 Member
    I love my sleep, so mornings are a no no. I pick up kids and get home around 5:45. The first thing I do is prepare dinner, put clothes in washer and hope on my treadmill. I walk for 45 mins a day and do any other exercise I can before bed. My family demands a lot of my time. I only ask my fiance for 45-60 minutes of me time a day.
  • Val_from_OH
    Val_from_OH Posts: 447 Member
    I have a 2 y.o. and a 5 y.o., and I have to say finding time to work out is much easier now than it was a couple of years ago!

    Two days a week I go to the fitness center at my office after work. Hubs picks up the kids a little earlier than usual, then makes dinner when he gets home. I end up getting home usually just as the food is hitting the table!

    For two more weekdays, I do Wii fit after the kids go to bed.

    On the weekend, I try to get out and walk with the kiddos (or shop :-))

    Mornings are not an option for me, as I am usually up until 11:30 or 12 at night trying to get the laundry done, lunches packed, etc. and I need my sleep in the am! At lunchtime, I can never get away from my desk - but I will try to get in a walk at least twice a week after the weather warms up.
  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    Lunchtime walks around my campus at work (weather permitting)... I'm on week 4 of Couch to 5K, so I've been heading to the gym to get on the treadmill. Fortunately, the babysitting room at the gym is open until 8:30 p.m.. So as long as homework, etc. is done, my girls come with me to the gym. Otherwise, they stay home with Daddy. It takes extra effort to get there, but I'm determined to keep up with this program. Can't wait until the weather improves and the evenings get lighter, so I can do my runs outside. On the few nice days we had, my girls came with me to the track at a nearby school. They rode their scooters and played while I jogged on the track.

    I can't do early mornings! I get up at 5:30 just to get showered and everyone up, dressed and out the door. And I'm so not a morning person. :yawn:
  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member

    Two days a week I go to the fitness center at my office after work. Hubs picks up the kids a little earlier than usual, then makes dinner when he gets home. I end up getting home usually just as the food is hitting the table!

    I'm lucky like you - hubby does all of the cooking! I do all the clean-up though, and he is a messy cook. I'm not complaining, though. :bigsmile: