60 minutes of exercise for kids?

cahira Posts: 163
edited September 25 in Fitness and Exercise
So I have two amazing boys. One is twelve, runs cross country, is naturally active and strong and fit. The other is elven, active but less so, he needs more of a push. And in the last year or so he has gained a good deal of weight even though we've completely revamped our eating habits. So I'm trying to figure out ways to get 60 minutes a day of activity in for him - as all the experts recommend. Actually they say a minimum of 60 minutes, but we're working on baby steps here.

We live in Florida, so it's getting ready to be hot soon - and for the next 6-8 months. He goes to school, and has to be there by 7:30 am and gets out at 2:45 pm. He will be starting rec league football soon, so with practice and games that will give us about 2 hours for the week (on two different days). But how do I fit in the other 5 days? What sorts of activities do you do with your kids? With school and scouts and guitar lessons and such it just feels like every week is so full.

He likes to ride his bike, so we've been trying to squeeze those in, and as the days get longer we can do bike rides after dinner and homework is done.

But I'm having a lot of trouble finding other activities he likes. He's always been a very strong, muscle packed kind of kid. I want to help him find the thing(s) he loves so that as he gets taller he won't gain more weight. Suggestions?


  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    It is great you are putting so much effort into this for your kids. My only recommendation would be if you could put a basketball hoop near or on your home. That way if you don't have time for bikes maybe getting in some hoops after dinner.
  • pelleld
    pelleld Posts: 363 Member
    I just came back from a vacation to Florida. While we were on the beach my Mom and I were watching this family play together. Mom/Dad/4 kids (ages maybe 6 to 16). They were playing what looked like ping pong without the table, hitting the ball back and forth to each other and trying to keep it in the air. Looked like great exercise and great family time. Maybe try to find something that you all like to do together to make it fun, not work. Kickball, soccer, bike rides, etc.
  • Charli666
    Charli666 Posts: 407
    Sports clubs are always a fab idea, because if children are exercising with peers, they are more likely to want to continue this. martial arts are another great way to keep children fit, and also teach them defense skills for later life.

    Or maybe just see if he'll exercise a little with you when you exercise 'to help you out' they love to feel useful and have a purpose, although this does truly depend on the 11 yr old.

    good luck
  • shellyrulz
    shellyrulz Posts: 148 Member
    It sounds like he is entering puberty and that puts extra weight on adolescents. Girls actually gain more during this time, but boys also have this growth spurt.

    The key is it has to be fun, I suggest maybe going for a hike, bicycle riding is always good. And the fact you live in Florida when do your pools open. Swimming is great cardio exercise. Another possibility see if you can find him a facility that teaches boxing.

    Above anything else give him a variety of options and let him choose. and remember FUN....FUN...FUN. That is the key with kids.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    My children are a lot younger, but my older boy does 30 mins swimming and 45 mins ballet on Mondays, football for an hour followed by an hour of karate on Tuesdays, nothing wednesdays, 30 mins ballet on thursdays and gymnastics on fridays. At the weekend we go swimming and cycling. He has also asked to do rugby at the weekend as my younger son does it and he's interested.

    Any of that possible for your boys? My son LOVES dance and music, so things like karate and ballet are perfect for him.
  • kristiek7
    kristiek7 Posts: 198
    I just bought a soccer net and my son and I run around the backyard and play soccer, taking turns on being goalie......and a few days ago we found 'mini' lacrosse sticks......these are so much fun, we've been having a blast just tossing the balls to each other - spent an hour and a half outside last night just doing these things........nothing more than just goofing around, but we're moving......
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Hi--that's great you are working on this! I live in Vermont, completely different from where you are and thankfully in the summer have no problem getting outside activity for my 6 year old, but the winter...very challenging!

    One thing I like to do with my son is jump rope. We both do it and it's great for both of us. We do it inside and I suppose when it gets nicer out we can do this outside and up and down the driveway. It's taken us both awhile to get coordinated but we both enjoy it. This may be something you can do inside or out depending on how hot it is....

    The one thing we do here that keeps us outside is creature hunting. We are outside all day looking for salamanders, frogs, certain bugs and beetles, plants, birds, etc. I have a nephew in the Tampa area, and I know you have those cute lizards down there (the ones where the tails pop off). My nephew LOVES trying to catch them and that keeps him going. There may be other things/plants/creatures you can get them into--so many beautiful birds and flowers and plants to check out down in Florida that could hold interest because it's kind of like a scavenger hunt. Once you find something interesting, you bring it home and look up more information about it. I find once we start rambling around the time goes by pretty quickly.

    that's all I can think of --but hope it helps!
  • eellis2000
    eellis2000 Posts: 465 Member
    swimming is great exercise.
  • cahira
    cahira Posts: 163
    The aquatic center here is open year round, so maybe we should plan for a few days per week of swimming for him - I know he would do that. Friday afternoons are always good for that sort of thing because they don't have the daily homework to contend with. This summer I'm planning on putting him and his brother into the junior lifeguard program up at the aquatic center as well. We've been looking at martial arts for him, but the after school program we have seems to focus mainly on kicks and he hasn't enjoyed it in the past.

    It just seems so hard to find the time and something that he enjoys, but I feel like this is a crucial point for him. I can tell he's getting ready to hit a growth spurt and if we could just hold his weight steady it would make such a difference for him.
  • susioryan
    susioryan Posts: 180
    This might be a stupid question but can he ride his bike to school with some other kids or with you? Or can a walking bus be organized to get to school (parents take turns walking a group of kids to school)? I know in Florida some of the schools are spread out but if you are close by (a mile) it is a chance to work in some exercise. My daughter walks to school everyday with one of us and will ride her bike as she gets older with other kids and we live in Vermont. It is far and few between that we drive her.
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    swimming, volleyball, biking...ahh i wish it were warm here!
  • sassyg
    sassyg Posts: 393
    walking to and from school is a simple way
  • cahira
    cahira Posts: 163
    I wish we could walk or bike ride to school, but it's a Catholic school (not a neighborhood one) and it's about 3 miles away. Which wouldn't be impossible on the bike, but the street that we have to travel is crazy super busy.

    Tonight after dinner we got in a nice bike ride, and tomorrow I'm planning on taking them to the aquatic center to swim after school. As soon as I get the football schedule I will figure the rest of this out!

    @calliope_music - It's really lovely here right now, but I'm worried because the heat is a-coming. It's honestly way easier to exercise here in the winter than it is in the summer. I'm thinking we will do a fair bit of the aquatic center this summer and hopefully try to get to the beach most weekends.
  • sleight119
    sleight119 Posts: 125
    my kids are 13 11 and almost 6 right now they are doing my walking videos with me and talk about the things we pretend to find outside they love them and we have a dance one we do as well and we have a lot of fun doing them but once its nice out again we will be back to walking outside and rideing bikes and swimming
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