Caffeine and Hunger

Elise1395 Posts: 17 Member
edited September 25 in Health and Weight Loss
I just had a question about caffeine and hunger....I don't drink caffeine that often (the only time I drink it is in an occasional black tea), and when I do, it affects me strongly. This morning, I had a cup of black tea with honey and cream because I was very tired and groggy. About an hour later, the jitters set in, but I also feel very hungry. It feels like my stomach is empty, even though I ate a decent breakfast! It's almost aching....and this only happens when I consume caffeine. Has anyone else had an experience like this with caffeine consumption?


  • kmtetour
    kmtetour Posts: 300 Member
    I've never had this happen to me, though I'm quite the caffeine addict so that might be why. I see two possibilities: 1) because of "the jitters" you are using more calories; 2) because caffeine dehydrates you, you are feeling hunger-type pains when your body is craving more water.
  • __flexylexi
    __flexylexi Posts: 154 Member
    I eat when drink caffeine cause sometimes it makes me sick if I don't...
  • NoExcuseTina
    NoExcuseTina Posts: 506 Member
    you might be more sensitive to the caffeine than the rest of us...maybe try decaf black tea

    an acquaintance of mine cannot drink caffeine at all...she says if someone tells her it is decaf (but it really is not), she can tell it has caffeine after a few sips because her body reacts almost immediately with the jitters (similar to an allergic reaction)
  • __flexylexi
    __flexylexi Posts: 154 Member
    I just had a question about caffeine and hunger....I don't drink caffeine that often (the only time I drink it is in an occasional black tea), and when I do, it affects me strongly. This morning, I had a cup of black tea with honey and cream because I was very tired and groggy. About an hour later, the jitters set in, but I also feel very hungry. It feels like my stomach is empty, even though I ate a decent breakfast! It's almost aching....and this only happens when I consume caffeine. Has anyone else had an experience like this with caffeine consumption?

    I totally read your post wrong. Hm. It might be the kind of food that you eat? What is a "good breakfast" to you? Maybe you should eat something heavier in the AM and the tea after? Idk. You didn't mention how far apart your breakfast and tea were. This is puzzling! I only get jittery if I lack sleep (like cramming all night and getting 2 hrs of sleep) then pushing it all day with several cups of coffee.
  • Elise1395
    Elise1395 Posts: 17 Member
    I totally read your post wrong. Hm. It might be the kind of food that you eat? What is a "good breakfast" to you? Maybe you should eat something heavier in the AM and the tea after? Idk. You didn't mention how far apart your breakfast and tea were. This is puzzling! I only get jittery if I lack sleep (like cramming all night and getting 2 hrs of sleep) then pushing it all day with several cups of coffee.

    I had an English muffin with Smart Balance and Honey...usually a breakfast like that will fill me up. I drank the tea afterwards.
  • B140
    B140 Posts: 56
    It could be that the tea is irritating your stomach and causing you to feel pain that you are interpretting as hunger. When my stomach allergies kick up that's exactly how it feels to me at first (like I am hungry), but really it's stomach pain. Just a thought.
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