Meal Plan Ideas? Exercise

shellberry Posts: 4
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
Hi All. :)

I'm kinda new here and this is my second start with MFP. The first time was kind of overwhelming so I want to do this right.
Weight loss has been an overwhelming task lately so I wanted to ask for HELP, PLEASEEEE.. :)

I want to know what people are eating (What would you recommend?)
.... and doing for exercise.
I am aiming for about 1200 calories a day, but I am interested in others info even if it's different.
Also, How do you guys shop for food? Do you meal plan for the whole week?

Thanks for your info and help. Its very much appreciated :)


    GURLEY_GIRL3 Posts: 347 Member
  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member
    1) On the front page of your profile on MFP, you'll see a calculator: Goal Food Exercise = Net

    Goal, is the goal you set, or MFP set for you, when you signed up. Be it 1200 calories or 1800 calories. Food, is how many calories you are taking in through eating (pretty simple, eh?). Exercise, is the calories burned through exercise (still pretty simple). Now, here is the kicker. Net is your food intake minus your exercise. You need to get Net to equal your Goal, or as close to it, and over 1200 calories, as possible. Okay?

    Goal = 1200 calories
    Food = 1750 calories
    Exercise = 550 calories
    Net = 1200 calories

    That would be the optimum plan. But, not every day is like that. You have to play around with it and fit your exercise and food intake to one another to meet your goals.

    2) Lots of people have different methods for eating. I choose to eat as clean as possible. I try and cut out as much processed food as possible, and make my meals using whole ingredients. Look through the Food and Nutrition ( and Recipes ( section. You'll find some ideas of what people are doing. the beginning of the week, during the weekend, or when we have just plum run out of food, my wife and I plan out our dinners for the week. I usually pick up some healthy snacks (ingredients for trail mix, granola/protein bars, fresh fruit, etc) while I am at it. I have an app on my iPhone where I have our recipe's put in, and I just have to go down the list and select the meals I want for the week and it adds all of the ingredients to my shopping list. We've started selecting meals that make use of fresh fruits, veggies, lean meats, etc. When we really want something, like pizza!, we make a healthy alternative. Be creative!
  • I don't know if I'm a help I don't really plan out a whole week, I decide what to eat usually at work I go onto the BBC Food website and they have loads of recipes I stick in what I have and they tell me what I can make.

    I replaced all the high fat stuff for lower fat options, like instead of cream/double cream I use Tesco's Healthy Living Creme Freche, for sandwiches instead of butter I use Hellmann's Extra Light Mayonaise. There's even 30% less fat cheese versions of almost any kind of cheese you want and I just put less in.

    You can get a thing from weightwatchers or lakeland online (or if your not in the UK I'm sure you can find it online somewhere) that helps you use less oil for cooking. It's a spray you add extra virgin olive oil in it and then pump it up so that it sprays a fine layer of oil on the fan instead of a big blob. I was shocked when I found out even a tablespoon of extra virgin oil was over 200 calories.

    I also replaced as much of my 'white' foods with wholegrain (rice, bread, pasta) as you can use less and they fill you up more.

    The main thing about what I eat now is that I'm using more spices, because I've taken out most of the fat and sugar things can be very bland so every time I go shopping I pick up a new jar of spices and see what I can make with it. I also stay away from fatty meats and mostly eat chicken. Protein can be high in calories and I've found, using knorr stockpots, that just leaving out the meat and having a totally vegaterian meal can be filling.

    The good thing I find about myfitnesspal is that (I mostly use my app) it has the nutritional values of things as well so I can make sure I'm getting all the vitimins etc. that I need without going to far or being unhealthy.

    Hope you do well. I've rambled on a bit and you probably already know all the stuff I've said but I just thought I'd answer you and let you know there's others out there going through this too.
  • Thanks Gurly :)

    The goal on my page is 1370... so I figured aim for 1200 and have 170 to fill in the eve with a yogurt or such if I don't make my points... I just know myself and I will probably go over the goal, as I have in the past.

    I didn't see any meal or eating ideas within the site, and thats why I was trying to get input..

    Like some meal ideas... or ideas about meal sizes. Is there any belief here in the 5 small meals or not having carbs after a certain time of day?

    I guess I am just overwhelmed by all the things I know, or think I know... all the diets and info Ive read.
  • Thanks Adam.
    Is there any place here with meal ideas? Just to get a better idea?
    I think I get the net calories, of course its always a little bit more difficult to put it into use :)

    ShellyK. Thank you. I didn't think it was rambling at all. :) Thats a good idea, I used to eat more veggie meals and I have noticed I eat meat almost every night... I think I will try to aim for more like 3 nights a week.. And the oil is a good idea. I did buy one of the sprayers a while back.. I think it might have migrated to the back of my pantry by now. Great ideas Thanks again.
  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member
    Thanks Gurly :)

    The goal on my page is 1370... so I figured aim for 1200 and have 170 to fill in the eve with a yogurt or such if I don't make my points... I just know myself and I will probably go over the goal, as I have in the past.

    I didn't see any meal or eating ideas within the site, and thats why I was trying to get input..

    Like some meal ideas... or ideas about meal sizes. Is there any belief here in the 5 small meals or not having carbs after a certain time of day?

    I guess I am just overwhelmed by all the things I know, or think I know... all the diets and info Ive read.

    Thus why I posted a link to the recipes section. It has meal ideas in there. The Food and Nutrition section has a lot of info on how to eat.

    I eat five small meals a day. Usually 300-500 calories each meal. But that is because I usually burn off between 600 - 850 calories per P90X workout. That's what works for me. I try and finish my eating before 8:00 PM. Earlier if I can. But that's me. It doesn't work for everyone else. A lot of this is finding out what works for YOU.
  • It IS tough only eating 1200 calories per day. I'm over my count many days, but I'm trying to work out at least 5 days a week so that I can eat more. Eating more is definitely an incentive to work out, so be sure to chart ANY exercise that you do :) I was talking a girl who is training for a body building show & she recommended Chobani fat free yogurt (adding splenda & fresh fruit) . I was eating many of the other low fat versions, but they have 1/3 the protein and almost twice as much sugar. Also, I try to prepare a lot of food on the weekends that last throughout the week. (Cut up fresh romaine, grill chicken & make homemade chili) I like making wraps so I can do a caesar wrap, a grilled chicken wrap or a chilito just from these ingredients. I've been trying to cut down on sour cream & cheese, but I refuse to give up regular dressing. (I HATE the low fat versions) I'm also a big fan of Kashi cereal bars. I usually eat one on the way to work along w/ a piece of fruit. For snacks I eat almonds, carrots or a yoplait shake (made with fat free milk) I hope this helps!
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Someon asked this yesterday, and I sahred my skeletong weekly plan. It's very mix and match, pick any breakfast, any 2 snacks, etc.

    I dont stick to it rigidly, but it's useful for doing the weekly shopping!

    Breakfasts: Porrige with berries, scrambled eggs, ham and tomatoes, sardines on toast/ rice cakes, peanut butter on toast, cheese (eg feta and red pepper), yoghurt with flax-seed. Plus tomato, vegetable, or no-sugar cranberry juice.

    Morning snack: celery sticks or carrots and humous, ryvita w laughing cow, apple, go-ahead bars, almonds, boiled egg, string cheese.

    Lunch: tuna salad, vegetable soup, chickpea stew, pear/ walnut/ blue cheese salad, ratatouille, crunchy chop salad, sardines on toast.

    Afternoon snack: quavers, small choc bar, popcorn, banana, cottage cheese on oatcakes, walnuts, pear, half avocado on rice cakes.

    Dinner: stirfry, poached chicken and greens, salmon and veg, prawn pasta, mince, something vegetarian e.g pasta arrabiata, chilli w taco shells, fritata.

    Have fun experimenting!
  • Adam - Thanks. You're right, both sections have tons of info, which also makes it a little overwhelming :) im mulling through though. There are great recipes there. :)

    Red - I will check out the Chobani yogurt, I haven't seen it before. And I really like the idea of making chili on the weekend, im sure it will last and the beans have lots of fiber to keep the tummy full... :) and the kashi bars, I really like... TY

    Melanie - Thanks for the ideas. I love that these are all easy. Time is really an issue with my weight loss. I know that cooking and preparing things overwhelms me sometimes an I rush out of the house empty handed.. and then I have nothing to eat and make bad choices.
  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member
    Melanie - Thanks for the ideas. I love that these are all easy. Time is really an issue with my weight loss. I know that cooking and preparing things overwhelms me sometimes an I rush out of the house empty handed.. and then I have nothing to eat and make bad choices.

    I keep stuff in my drawer at work, just for such occasions. I have a bag of rolled oats (plus a bowl and spoon) and fresh fruit (which I usually use for a snack) stowed at my desk. If I ever forget my lunch, or a snack, I can prepare the oats within minutes and add whatever fruit I want. Easy peasy. Granola bars and/or protein bars are also handy to keep around, stashed away. They are easy to store. Same reason I got the oatmeal.
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