How do you stay motivated everyday??



  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    I weigh and measure everything, that way I can eat what I want but only the portion thast fits into my cals per day.
  • nikkishai
    nikkishai Posts: 407 Member
    One thing you can do to stay motivated is to stop thinking about what you "could have" done, and instead focus on what you HAVE done. You have made good progress!

    It helps me to pre-plan my food diary. I don't deprive myself of things I love, as long as I have them in moderation. And even though I pre-plan, I do allow myself the flexibility to change my diary as circumstances arise, provided I can still stay in my calorie range. I keep small treats on-hand like dark chocolate Hershey's kisses, and when I need a sugar fix, I'll pop one in my mouth and let it dissolve slowly. It takes a couple of minutes to dissolve, and it satisfies that craving for only 20 calories. Find something that you can treat yourself with, without sacrificing a lot of calories, and go to it when you need to. I think of my calorie goal as a bank account -- I have 1390 calories in my bank. That's all I have to spend on food. I can earn more if I work out, but either way, I dont' want to go in debt on my calories. It makes it easier to stay within my goals if I think of it in terms of "cost."

    As far as exercise, I keep myself motivated because I have specific goals in mind, and I don't do any workout unless it's FUN! My goal is to have abs for my birthday. I've always wanted abs, so it's easy to push toward that goal. Maybe you don't want abs. Maybe you think it would be fun to do 20 pushups in a row. Maybe you would like to be able to run a mile without stopping. Come up with a fun fitness-related goal that you've always wanted or envied in other people, and slowly start making progress toward that goal. And find ways to make exercise fun. I like doing the workout games on the Wii because I feel like I can reach for a "high score." I'm very competitive in that way, and I like to win at games, so that works for me. Maybe you've seen a fun workout DVD, or you like to do the workouts on Exercise TV. Or maybe you don't like to do structured stuff, but you like to dance. Crank up the tunes, set your timer for 15 minutes or so, and dance your face off! Do something you enjoy doing, and it won't seem like work.

    When you miss a day or go over your cals for a day, don't allow yourself to feel guilt. Just chalk it up to experience, remind yourself that everyone needs a rest day now and then, and keep pushing forward. My motivation comes from the knowledge that every moment is a fresh start. I can't change what I did yesterday, or even 5 minutes ago. But I can make a good choice RIGHT NOW. Guilt has no place in this journey. What do you have to feel guilty about? It doesn't affect anybody but you. There's nobody to apologize to. So just accept what happens, and keep moving forward.

    I COMPLETELY agree with your last paragraph. If you have a bad day and skip a workout or splurge on jelly beans (guilty), so what! Recognize that you could have done better, and then do better! Give yourself a break and start with a clean slate every morning if you have to.

    I like I compare losing weight to paying off a credit card. I just hack away at it bit by bit until it's gone.
  • malias
    malias Posts: 82
    I believe it is all about attitude. I have spent my life thinking that my weight wasnt worth the effort it takes to stop eating junk. I have tried to overcome that many times and have succeeded by losing enormous amts. of weight. Needless to say, I always put them back on....and then some. THIS TIME, I know that it's not just about what the scale says or how I look. It's how I feel. It's my too hard working heart. It's the arthritis I've developed in my joints. It's the diabetes diagnosis I received from my doctor. It's the many, many times I have missed being part of fun activities with family and friends because I was too embarrassed or too much in pain to join in. It's my daughter, who is taking after me.

    I have discovered that weight loss is about more than just dieting. It's about living. Healthy, happy, energetic living. That is what motivates me. Find your motivation inside you. Whether it be looking better or feeling better, getting healthy or wearing a swimsuit in public, know that there are many others like you who understand, encourage and support you in your goals. YOU
    CAN DO IT. You just have to believe that. Best wishes to you.....
  • nzgarcia
    nzgarcia Posts: 4 Member
    I have some clothing items in my closet that I just love, but they are too small for me. I put them where I have to touch them every day when choosing my clothes, it reminds me that I want to be able to wear them. Looking good is better than any cookie or burger. It helps me stay on track.
  • nikkishai
    nikkishai Posts: 407 Member
    This is why I love this site so much! The responses are motivating and make sense and you get a feel for what other people are going through on their own journey. :flowerforyou:

    I personally started with the food I ate and then slowly added exercise to my routine. I was afraid if I did it all at once that I'd go back to my old ways. Maybe it's time to take a serious look at what you're eating and research some healthier alternatives/recipies or limit how often you eat certain things. What's your biggest food weakness? Mine is chinese. I allow myself to have it twice a month. I plan for it, and if I go over, then I go over. I don't beat myself up for it, and I just make sure I'm being good to myself the rest of the time. My lifestyle change would never have worked if I didn't allow myself Chinese ever again. I also eat a fudgicle instead of 2 cups of ice cream, and I just don't buy snack foods that I would "lose control" over anymore. (Smartfood - I do miss you!) :wink:

    Everyone is different. What works for one may not work for another. Just keep at it, go at your own pace, and remember you have to do it for you or it won't stick.

    That's EXACTLY what I did too! First I got in the habit of logging in my food on MFP. Then I made changes in my eating to stay at or under my calorie goal. Then I added exercise. Then I added extra exercise after work. It was very gradual for me, and it's working. It's like I'm educating my body to eat better and get fit. There's no way I'm cramming 4 years of college into my brain in 3 months, so I'm not expecting to get fit in 3 months either.
  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    I try on the pants I want to fit into everyday.keeps me on track, but there are times when I indulge, we all do, just get ack on the horse!