Hello Everyone!

JanFan Posts: 3 Member
Hey everyone! I'm so tired of struggling and not making any progress...I hope this site will make me more accountable and help me to stick to my weight loss goals. I am a stay at home mom andI live in a rural community about 15 miles from town so it is so hard to find anyone who is interested in doing this! I moved to this town and have a few friends, but it's just not like my hometown and I think that is what part of my struggle is. I hope this site will fill this void for me and help me to stay on the path to wellness! Good luck to everyone else on their journey!!!


  • Jamaica2
    Jamaica2 Posts: 91 Member
    Welcome!!! I really enjoy checking in to this site throughout the day, I'm sure you will too.
  • dean0721
    dean0721 Posts: 143
    hey welcome to MFP, good luck on the challenge you have with yourself, feel free to add me if you want some moral support.....