
Ok everyone..

So i've been on here for 3 days now and I haven't told anyone (family and friends) what I'm doing.. in terms of losing weight .... I get sorta crazy with it.. counting each calorie and not really wanting to eat out and NEEDING to go to the gym.... I've been that way again for 3 days .. and I like it... i enjoy what i'm trying to do...

the reason I haven't told anyone yet is because my family and friends have already been through this with me once before... and I put the pounds back on 2 years later... bringing to try and lose weight again... Last time not too many people were supportive.. and no one really understood... I don't really care because I'm doing this for me... but there comes a time when people are going to know and get annoyed with me because I do watch every little thing that goes into my mouth..

this weekend I'm suppose to go over to my boyfriends and we're going to go to the movies and hang out and usually when we get hungry we just usually grab something quick at a resturant...(he doesn't usually have food there) ... but i don't want to... I want to bring yogurt or something simple to get me through the weekend ... but is that rude? or wierd? and I'll have to tell him what I'm doing... we've only been together for about 5mths now.. and he doesn't know the side of me that hates my body... I'm worried that he's gonna think i'm wierd .. or look at me differently...

he asked me to go to dinner tonight with his family... but since it was last minute plans and i live almost like 90 some miles away... i got away with not going... but I didn't tell him the real reason was cuz I wanted to eat my 250 cal meal at home...

anyone have advice?



  • funo145
    funo145 Posts: 53 Member
    Ok everyone..

    So i've been on here for 3 days now and I haven't told anyone (family and friends) what I'm doing.. in terms of losing weight .... I get sorta crazy with it.. counting each calorie and not really wanting to eat out and NEEDING to go to the gym.... I've been that way again for 3 days .. and I like it... i enjoy what i'm trying to do...

    the reason I haven't told anyone yet is because my family and friends have already been through this with me once before... and I put the pounds back on 2 years later... bringing to try and lose weight again... Last time not too many people were supportive.. and no one really understood... I don't really care because I'm doing this for me... but there comes a time when people are going to know and get annoyed with me because I do watch every little thing that goes into my mouth..

    this weekend I'm suppose to go over to my boyfriends and we're going to go to the movies and hang out and usually when we get hungry we just usually grab something quick at a resturant...(he doesn't usually have food there) ... but i don't want to... I want to bring yogurt or something simple to get me through the weekend ... but is that rude? or wierd? and I'll have to tell him what I'm doing... we've only been together for about 5mths now.. and he doesn't know the side of me that hates my body... I'm worried that he's gonna think i'm wierd .. or look at me differently...

    he asked me to go to dinner tonight with his family... but since it was last minute plans and i live almost like 90 some miles away... i got away with not going... but I didn't tell him the real reason was cuz I wanted to eat my 250 cal meal at home...

    anyone have advice?

  • CrystalBella
    CrystalBella Posts: 848 Member
    These things happen. You don't really need to tell anyone. It's your personal business. Plus you now have your MFP family to support you. As far as the bf goes, take what you want to eat. If he asks why then tell him. If you don't feel comfortable with telling him, then advise him you are tryin to save money for gas, cause tech that wouldn't be a lie! lol

    Good Luck on the weight loss! You can do it this time.... and it won't come back. Remember this isn't a diet, this is a life style change.

  • GrnEyz
    GrnEyz Posts: 360
    I agree, it is youir business, and if ppl get upset later on that you didn't tell them, just remind them of the last time you tried and their lack of support, saying you need as much support as possible to actually be successful! As for the B/F. I would bring your own food (breakfast and snacks) and then if he wants to go out to eat, order a salad withg a vinegrette, or low-fat dressing, or grilled chicken with veggies and just request that they grill the veggies without butter. It'll really cut the calories and you'll still be able to enjoy a night out with your b/f. And also, about you being worried about telling him about your "past", it's better for him to know it now, then later on. If he does have a problem with it, then you know now before getting too attached, because if he can't appreciate/love you for YOU without looking past that, then you don't want him. And if he doesn't, then you can relax a little bit more around him, and possible even find support where you least expected it!
  • funo145
    funo145 Posts: 53 Member
    Thanks for the support... I figured people would say that... I guess I just needed to hear it... I've already made up my mind to tell him about my issues with my weight.. he needs to know... so we'll see what happens...

    crystalbella... thanks for the laughs on the gas.. its sooo ture!!! lol

    grneyz.... thanks for the reminder that there are ways to eat right when we go out... I guess I just feel funny making the change to order all healthy again.. :) and thanks for the reminder of not wating him if he doesn't appreciate me for me ...

    wow.. this really is a MFP family... i like it here... :)
  • Jezika
    Jezika Posts: 82 Member
    funo145 -

    You know, my husband and I have been married for 6 years now... 6 years and 3 kids later, I am the heaviest I have ever been!! I look at myself and get so angry with how I look! I know that it can be depressing!
    What changed my outlook was the book "You, the owners manual". My baby was almost a year old and wasn't nursing so it was great that I could go on a "diet". Only I didn't diet... I changed a few things in my eating habits. Like cutting out saturated fats, trans fats, ultra high carb foods, etc. I started going to the gym. And before I knew it, I was 5 lbs lighter, not where I wanted to be, but the fat had melted and I had gained some lean muscle.
    Unfortunately, we moved, I had to cancel the gym, got pregnant again, and well, this time... the weight isn't going anywhere!

    So, I've made some lifestyle changes again! I took a long hard look at what I was eating and realized that no one would criticize me for not eating half of the bag of cookies! They wouldn't say I was nuts for choosing a bottle of water over a soda.
    I chose to buy turkey bacon for my house... I absolutely love bacon and turkey bacon is now a must have in my fridge.
    My husband looks at me like I'm crazy sometimes, but I just tell him that I want to look, on the outside, exactly how I feel on the inside. I know the old me is in there!

    It's okay to be neurotic about calorie counting. No one has to know. Smaller portion sizes, salad dressing on the side, no one will even know.

    For my breakfast I cart my box of All-Bran yogurt bites everywhere. No body questions my sanity. I find what I like and I stick with it.

    I would tell your bf... you never know... he might be the most supportive person in your life from this point on. Everyone comes with their own kind of baggage. It's important to help them lighten their load and to give others a chance to help lighten ours.

    (P.S. What does "Primary" mean to you?)