what diet/eating plan



  • myukniewicz
    myukniewicz Posts: 906 Member
    I am a pescetarian (vegetarian who eats fish) and i eat as cleanly as possible.
    Lots of fresh fruits and even more fresh veggies <3
    I stay away from heavily processed foods for the most part, and drink water like its going out of style.
    I keep my calories at 1200 (unless i workout), and my sodium at 1500mg.
  • Dragoncat18
    I am getting meals from My Fit Foods, as wells as eating smaller amounts when i cook or go out. I am also trying to get a little more active. I tend to sit around all day.... mostly the eating less right now is helping.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    No diet, just eating sensible sized portions of real food (home made, very little processed stuff) and REALLY paying attention to snacking. Snacks have been the biggest challenge for me, I generally cook and eat good food for meals, but the chocolate, biscuits, sweets etc inbetween meals are the ongoing problem for me.
  • finchase
    finchase Posts: 174
    I've been following the Abs Diet for Women, which I do like. My doctor recommended it--actually, he pretty much ordered me to buy the book and read it cover-to-cover. However, much of it has just been a total lifestyle change, eating sensibly and gradually increasing exercise. I started out just by walking the dog every day, a little further each time. When that was no longer a challenge--and really high summper temperatures hit even before May ended, I signed up for a gym and started working a couple of times a week with a trainer. I've lost almost 60 lbs since February 17, and I still have a long way to go, but I can tell such a huge difference in my energy level and strength now.

    I'm definitely goal-oriented, but I'm starting to enjoy the journey now.
  • jbucci1186
    jbucci1186 Posts: 440 Member
    counting calories and trying to get into maintenance mode. it's hard to feel comfortable eating as much as I'm supposed to on a daily basis!
  • grimnir
    grimnir Posts: 61 Member
    I totally understand all that you say about making it a lifestyle and all, and I totally approve, but I was staying pretty close to the same weight over the last four years, and have only ever gained weight in bursts of unbelievable amounts of overeating (seriously, like 6k+ days on average for months or sometimes years, bingeing like crazy), so I'm calling it a diet.

    I mix up what I eat day to day, according to what I've got on hand or feel like eating. I restrict calories, mainly, but I also try to keep my balance of calories to somewhere in the vicinity of 30% carbs / 45% fat / 25% protein, which after some significant experimentation is where I feel best, have the least hunger, and enjoy my food the most. I tend to eat a fair amount of nuts and nut butters (yum!), sunflower seeds, cheese (I am a total cheese *kitten*, you can take them over my dead body), chicken breasts, plenty of veggies (super low in calories, so you can get more full eating them, plus they're good for you), eggs, greek yogurt, some fruit here and there, butter and olive oil, salad dressing (I like Annie's Tuscan Italian best), coffee. The rest of my carbs come mostly from rice and rice cakes, wheat bread sometimes, the occasional tortilla, pasta sometimes, beers with friends every couple weeks. The only thing I've really cut back on or changed is my carb intake, way way down, particularly my chips and fries consumption. I also eat more meat and nuts now, it keeps me full for hours, and unlike chips and such, I can hold myself to a couple hundred calories worth. Also I don't put gobs of cheese in basically every dish I cook now, which helps me spread my calories across the day. I'm planning on cutting out coffee and beer (coffee makes me anxious and beer is calorific and excites my gout, even more while dieting than usual) over the next month, see if it improves things.

    My top 3 diet tips:

    Spread it across the day. I eat 4 times a day now instead of my more usual 2. If I eat a big meal, I know I'll be hungry either before or after, and I will have a harder time keeping from going crazy and overeating, which aside from going over on calories, makes me feel tired and a little ill. Also, this cuts WAY back on the crazy energy swings.

    Eat your veggies. There are so few calories in some veggies that it actually takes more energy to break down the fiber than are contained in them! Meanwhile you get all full, it regulates your digestion, and you get tons of nutrients. Veggies rock.

    Track it. MFP is awesome for that. If you play around with what you're doing, eat things you love from time to time, and just make sure you keep your calories contained, you shouldn't have any trouble staying on the straight and narrow. Notice how what you eat when impacts how you feel, and eat accordingly. If you try out different things, like cutting out gluten for a week, or going low carb for a spell, or eating tons of fatty food, you will seriously learn things about how your body works.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I'm pretty much JUST calorie counting while taking care to incorporate fat and protein in every meal or I get hungry between meals. This naturally results in me cutting out SOME kinds of things, like fries, just because they have too many calories for the level of satisfaction I get from them.