Gyms are scary places

I admit to never having been in a gym in my life, I do a fair bit of walking (thanks to the pooches) and I go swimming but thats my lot, well today I braved the gym and had a meeting to arrange an induction appointment. That in itself was frightening enough but then she started listing the excercises and equipment I was going to have to try out on the induction, half of them Ive never even heard of before, I hope they arent going to laugh when I fail miserably:wink: , then after assuring me it would be mostly people like me who are trying to improve our fitness she took me through to the gym, it was full of men, all really beefed up and glaring at me for invading their kingdom:embarassed: . Does anyone else find the fear of going to the gym is putting them off going?


  • papastu
    papastu Posts: 737 Member
    at the end of the day , ignore them , your money is as good as thiers, thats how i got thru it , now i o everyday :D
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    It's all in your head. And who cares what anyone else is thinking anyway?
    Go - learn - sweat!
  • jen31889
    jen31889 Posts: 121
    I go to an all female gym and most women there are obese and many a seniors.
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    nah, i find when i go, *anywhere from 930ish to 11ish in the morning* its mainly either retired people, or stay at home mommies like myself...some who are really fit just trying to maintain and then others like me who are in the process.
  • bouldert
    bouldert Posts: 225 Member
    confront your fear and go and don't worry about the other people in there and i am willing to bet you will gain a few friends in the end and after a couple times you won't even be concerned with the other people you will be focused on your goal.
  • SaraTonin
    SaraTonin Posts: 551 Member
    Men love to see women at the gym. ;) I promise! Any size!
  • miznel80
    miznel80 Posts: 46 Member
    I glare right back :angry: :wink: They won't bother you. Once you get going in your work out, you won't even notice them. They'll be in YOUR way :happy:
  • SassyStef
    SassyStef Posts: 413
    I totally hate the gym too!! I love working out outside and I have some work out videos that I do too. There are tons of alternatives than the gym, besides why waste your money on a membership when you can work out outside in the fresh air and war sun!!

    If you choose to do the gym forget the other plp, they are all there trying to achieve the same goal!! Every on there that looks all beefed up started from some where too...not everyone just walks into the gym all beefed and fit ;)
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    It can be a little intimidating at 1st to some, but it's really not so bad. You only THINK those beefy men are glaring at you, but really they are just in their own head dreaming about their huge muscles. Don't worry about trying out all the equipment during your orientation, it's really a good thing to make sure you use everything correctly. You may find something you will love working out on. Everyone there has a common goal, getting fit/healthy or trying to stay there. After you go a couple times you will get over the intimidation and it won't even phase you anymore.
  • rhodes2b
    rhodes2b Posts: 304 Member
    You need to find the humor and education in the gym. I think it is funny as hell when you see people dance and sing to their music. On the otherhand, I found that most people are gazing out and about while in between sets and not really even looking at anything specific.

    As for the really big guys, they are normally looking for other really big guys to find faults with them. Or they could be thinking... do I look tiny? or do I need to shave my arms again?

    Basically- People really aren't watching you, nor are they going to make fun of you. We are all in the same boat.
  • therobinator
    therobinator Posts: 832 Member
    Some gyms are definitely off-putting, while others are very welcoming. It varies from gym to gym, depending on the kind of clientele they advertise to, cater to, and attract. If you weren't comfortable at this one, don't hesitate to shop around.

    As for not knowing how to use the equipment, don't worry about that. At some point, every person had to learn from nothing. You'll get there.
  • KirstyLea3
    I've just got to say i absolutely love the gym i use. Although at certain times of day, you do get different groups of people in there, ie, after work tends to be busier with younger, fitter men and women in our gym, yet if you go early on a weekend, during working hours or even late at night, it tends to be much quieter.

    I quite like when its busy in there as i have improved my fitness now and having lots of other people there working out pushes me to work harder...I don't want to look lazy by stopping really soon, lol but i do find the weight part can be intimidating when theres lots of beefy men in there...i only use that part when its quiet.

    Don't be put off, just find the days and times that are more suited for you and remember, everybody's in there to get fitter, lose weight or just improve them selves, most people are feeling the same, certainly when your new but as you go more often and see familiar faces, its a really great workout.
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    We all start somewhere... I don't think I have ever seen anyone make fun of anyone else who is actively trying in a gym and I have been going to the gym for quite awhile.

    I think really, you've been thru the scary part... now you need to get on with surviving the hard work. I wouldn't be surprised if one of these "glaring beefed up men" doesn't come and help you if you look like you need it.

    Inside most of these beefy people is a little kid who someone kicked sand at.

    You go girl!
  • TashaP2011
    TashaP2011 Posts: 142 Member
    If the gym has any classes, you might try those out. It is a good way to find workout buddies. And don't worry about all the equipment. Everyone who is there had to start out on it just like you!
  • ocsbabydoll
    If i have to go to a gym i go to the all female places - if you go to a 24 hour gym you can go when no one is there -
    BEST solution get some work out videos and minimal equipment and work out in the comfort of your own home :wink:
  • andipandi
    andipandi Posts: 91 Member
    i have a full home gym for that went to one last week when i was on holiday and it was gross. no cleanser and ppl swapping machines and staph infections...ewwww. oh and i saw no fit ppl and no motivated ppl. nobody was sweating (but touching and laying on every machine and not wiping them down). i saw so many ppl just going thru the motions, 'well i went to the gym so i can eat cake'. i'd rather stay home, crank up my tunes, stream the biggest loser and roll around in my own sweat.
  • katierush
    I think the reason gyms offer these introduction/trainings sessions are so people don't get hurt using equipment they don't know how to work, so the equipment last longer with people who know how to use it, and to give their personal trainers who are doing the introductory stuff at no charge a chance to pick up new clients who want that one on one attention for their workouts. Go at a time where you won't feel like you have to hurry as you figure things out. I like to attend the exercise classes that many gyms offer. There are always people to watch and ask questions to in those classes. Who knows, you could even pick up a partner to do the machines with at another time.
  • mallorybriann
    mallorybriann Posts: 1,380 Member
    Everyone has to start sometime... at one point all those people were just like you!
    I started going to Planet Fitness, mostly because of price and location (one mile from my house).
    Their whole thing is "judgement free zone".
    I have my issues with them, but aside, I feel comfortable there. There are definitely people there that are in amazing shape, and then there are the beginners. I don't think I'd feel as comfortable going into a gym full of men and heavy weights etc.
    We also have another gym around here that has a women's only club. I would go there, if I could afford it!
    The way I look at it is everyone has been a beginner at some point! Just ignore them :)
    Also try going at a different time.
    Good luck!
  • Just1forMe
    Just1forMe Posts: 624 Member
    Try a women only gym like Curves or Women's 24 hour Fitness, etc.
  • AbiNichole
    AbiNichole Posts: 300 Member
    Most people are so insecure themselves that they don't notice other people at all. Trust me, it's all in your head. It's likely your neighbor is thinking the same thing. :tongue: