firefighterswife58 Posts: 46
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
I am here to get help on my journey!! I'm doing the P90X, and trying to learn how to eat healthy as a part of my new lifestyle. Diets don't work! because once you lose weight you don't think you need to diet anymore & that is how I gained 40 lbs back out of the 110 I lost.. I am very excited about losing this weight! I am looking for motivation,& help with questions through this! So if anyone can help with that PLEASE ADD ME! Thanks :)


  • You've come to the right place....everyone on here is absolutely amazing! I'll add you :)
  • glamazonjenn
    glamazonjenn Posts: 31 Member
    Hi...I too am looking for people to share this health and fitness journey with! I don't call it a diet...I have simple changed my choices and the amount of food I eat. It really is simple for me...if I just do what I know what works for me. Whole foods...lower amount of said food and MOVE THIS BODY!!!....However, as simple as that is it can be hard to stay motivated to stick to that plan....stumbling blocks at every turn. Always the wrong food around or feelings of guilt for taking "me" time to exercise. Support is really important. I am looking to both provide encouragement and support and recieve it. I don't feel like I do as well if I am not helping someone else along the way. So if you would like to add me as one of your accountablity partners in crime that would be delightful!
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    Just added you. No problem. We are all here to support each other. This is a lifestyle change, not a diet. It is true that anyone can diet, but it take a lifestyle change to maintain it. You can do this.
  • WOW P90X that is a great program!! You are right you can'[t just diet and then go back to your old habits!! It is definately a life style change. I think that is what everyone on this site is going for a life style change!! I have been doing this for 1 week and have lost 5 pounds. We are just being aware of what we are eating and staying within our calorie limit. It has not been hard at all this site makes it easy.
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    I am looking for friends too :) feel free if you want to add me x
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