Need some creative advice from Moms of babys

DK30096 Posts: 62 Member
Hey there. I have a clingy 11 month old girl. Trying to work out with her around makes it a little difficutl :-) she is amazing and wonderful but starts crying for me to hold her after maybe 7 minutes into any of my work out videos. I can't really use her as a weight because she's really wiggely. Anyway....any advice from any moms on how to keep her distracted for 30 minutes so I can work out and not worry I'm going to step on her.


  • tristalin
    tristalin Posts: 108 Member
    The only luck I had getting a workout in was during naptime! Good luck!
  • HotSouthernMess
    HotSouthernMess Posts: 474 Member
    nap time or bed time is when i sneak in my workouts. recently, we have joined a gym and they play in the daycare while i work out. but, we dont go every day so i feel your pain! i could suggest getting some dance videos and let her dance with you (if shes standing/walking on her own that is) good luck!
  • lovingmy3boys
    lovingmy3boys Posts: 3 Member
    My son is 18 months old and the only way I can get a workout in is if he is asleep. I usually just delay my workout until 2pm when he is out for a couple of hours. Otherwise I would not be able to get it in until late when he is out for the night. Another option might just be getting up before she does.
  • DK30096
    DK30096 Posts: 62 Member
    Thanks for the luck :-) I wish I had naptime to do it but "sigh" I have to work :-( my skinny husband gets to stay at home with her grrr lucky duck and he doens't even have to work out
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    Thinking naptime here too... or would she stay in a stroller? My little boy loved to get pushed along on walks with me when he was that age (or you could get a jogging stroller if you run).
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    work out during naptime or put on wonder pets or blue's clues for her while you workout. I used to strap my son into the highchair and put on Thomas and Friends for an hour before his lunch time. Then I would workout, shower and prepare lunch. That was his only tv time usually for the entire day and i would check on him every 10 minutes to make sure he was ok.
  • momma_roo
    momma_roo Posts: 146 Member
    I've been putting my two year old in a stroller with water and a snack and walking. I have never been able to get in a work out in the house other than while the kids are sleeping. Or even better if you have a baby carrier wear her while you walk , it will make your exercise more strenuous. I talk to my son while we walk about animals, cars, flowers, trees or whatever we see when we walk. He was difficult the first week, but now he realizes that it is special time with mommy and looks forward to it.
  • melissataylor1986
    melissataylor1986 Posts: 41 Member
    Thomas used to be the same way, or still is sometimes. I workout at the same time of day and have a little routine set up for him. That way he knows what's going to happen when. I keep him entertained with his favorite toys and let him watch what I am doing while I'm doing it. If he starts acting up...I either just let him whine or throw another toy at him really quickly haha. Also I incoporate working out with entertaining him. For example, I make him laugh by saying "BOO" or other crazy things when I come up for a sit up. Or when I'm doing jumping jacks I make crazy noises. He must think I am out of my mind. Good thing no one is watching me haha!
  • marrtini
    marrtini Posts: 75
    I use a babysitter and go to the gym for a solid workout now. Before when I didn't use a babysitter, I used to workout during nap time, and before my daughter woke up. Just like putting her in a routine, I had to develop a routine. She is almost 15 months old now and she is usually pretty good about not wanting to be held now, but for fun, sometimes I add her to my routine and change it up a little bit .. we DANCE! she loves it, I love it and we get some bonding time together. Good luck, hope this helps a little.
  • iamwildarose
    iamwildarose Posts: 19 Member
    I have to figure out how to workout when I come home from work also.
    I work until 5-6 every night. The gyms do not have late daycare. I just use home stuff and videos.
    I just have to wait until my kids (3 and 14mos) go to bed or else they are clinging and crying the whold time. I will occasionally put a DVD in the computer to play and exercise while watching TV so I done miss American Idol- LOL. You will be amazed what Moms can do when they decide to multitask.:bigsmile:
  • CurriedGrasshopper
    CurriedGrasshopper Posts: 86 Member
    I suggest taking up running or walking, most babies will chill out in a speedy stroller if it's going somewhere interesting.

    Also I suggest getting a good baby carrier (I LOVE my Ergo and it feels like wearing a very comfortable backpack) and take up hiking or even just fast walking. Baby on your back is comfy and great resistance.

    But other then that, you're going to need to get up before she does, or wait until she's sleeping.

    Good luck!