New to MFP, not new to weight-loss efforts!

Hi, my name is Angela, I'm a 31-year old SAHM/housewife, and I live in Washington State.

I have over 100 pounds to lose, and I'm looking for people to add as friends for mutual support. I don't care if the only thing we have in common is our weight loss goal, I just need to meet positive, motivated, friendly folks who will give it to me straight when I need it.

I will mostly be accessing the sites features via my iPhone app, but I'll pop in as often as I can.


  • Foxerlina
    Foxerlina Posts: 51
    Hello from the UK!

    I'm new on here too, and whilst I only have a stone to lose, I would love some support and to hear other peoples success and failure stories to compare to my own :)

    Best of luck with your weight loss journey. I'm assuming from the post that you've tried other diets before? Which ones have you tried?

  • meanjeann
    meanjeann Posts: 40
    Hi! Good luck on your journey. I started here last year, but stopped logging in early in the spring. I back with renewed energy and will-power this time. I would welcome the friendship and support!
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    It's so hard when you SAH, isn't it?? I've always been a snacker and I knew it would be tough after the baby came. What were your previous weight loss efforts like? I had lost a lot right before I got pregnant (75 lbs) but then I gained 40 and didn't lose a single lb of it until I joined here in January. Welcome!
  • WinKitty
    WinKitty Posts: 119
    Well hello back from the west coast of the States! :)

    It's not that I've so much tried other diets, but that I've given up when I hit the plateau, called it, "Good enough," and then gained it all back and then some. I'm of the school that there is only one formula, one "trick" to losing weight: put out more than you put in. I mean, some people have different dietary needs, but that's what has worked for me, and I'll stick to swimming laps, hiking (and even Wii Fitting when I won't leave the house), and calorie counting. It will eventually get me there.

    Thanks for the welcome!
  • afeveryear
    afeveryear Posts: 22 Member
    Welcome Angela! I am Amy and I too am very new, I just started this past Monday. I also have over 100 pounds to lose and so I know how overwhelming it can be... but I will be there with you every step of the way if you would like! I know I could use more support as well.
  • Foxerlina
    Foxerlina Posts: 51
    Ah, I've tried every diet under the sun to be honest and lost about 3lbs maximum and probably gained back double when I've caved in and given up. I figure that you really are what you eat, so tracking food and exercise might help me gauge when I need to stop!

    I'm aiming to run a 10k this year (in May eeeeeeeek!) so ideally need to get fit for that. Generally I just want to get into a healthier lifestyle :)

    I really really really really want a WII so I can play WII Fit! Does it make you work up a sweat?x
  • WinKitty
    WinKitty Posts: 119
    First, thank you all for your replies and friend requests! I'm feelin' the love!

    Second, I work up a righteous sweat when I Wii FIt. If I don't, I know I'm not working hard enough. Sometimes I get more of a workout on my Wii Fit than I do swimming laps!
  • amysmartin
    amysmartin Posts: 84 Member
    welcome! I just signed up as well and need some more friends/support... must get rid of baby weight, would love to not have to wear maternity jeans cause I'm too stubborn to buy the size I really am. ;-)
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    Oh if you have a Wii you need to get Just Dance 2! I love it way more than my Wii Fit, lol. There's a thread on here weekly with high scores to try and beat on 3 songs, which keeps me at it, plus I love playing it on shuffle and just dancing. My daughter thinks it's hilarious :)