Finally Focused!!

Well it is 3 months into 2011 and I started my weight loss and exercise regime on 1/4/11..... I have lost 16 lbs in 3 months and decided to log on to this site to add an extra boost to keep me focused along the way.... I tried using this site back in 2009 but truthfully was not really into it..... I Have a ways to go with approx 30 lbs more to lose but seriously feel that this is going to be my year!!!


  • arwamya
    arwamya Posts: 304
    This IS going to be YOUR year..Make the most of it !
  • tobeygirl45
    Thank you!!!
  • puggleperson
    puggleperson Posts: 740 Member
    I suggest making friends here on MFP that will help motivate you and keep you wanting to sign on. it's almost like a facebook with a bunch of friends on the same journey as you. Good luck and great loss so far!
  • hwilliams519
    I just found my way back to this site a couple of weeks ago, after being gone for 2 years as well. For me, this is a year of many new beginnings. We have to stay focused.