The last few days have been hard (ladies advice needed)

I am getting close to my TOM and I get major cravings for anything and everything about 5-7 beforehand and right up until I get it. These last few days have been really hard. I went over my goal yesterday, I know it was only by like 37 caloires, but I went over on fat as well. I feel so hungry right now, even though I know I am not. I just want to eat. And to top it off, I feel so darn tired there is no way I can workout tonight. I could go to bed for the night right now I am that tired. And to top it off, I have a four day weekend starting tomorrow. I eat more when I am bored around my TOM. I know my fiance will help me stay on track this weekend (we are taking time off together), but I just feel like I don't want to do MFP right now and just eat all the junk food that my body wants and go to sleep.

How do you other gals stay motivated during your TOMs and all the cravings?


  • starlte
    starlte Posts: 11 Member
    I eat a lot too around my TOM. I have taken to eating a lot of veggies, you can steam them, bake them, or eat them raw. that way i get to munch a lot, and still eat healthy. my favorite snack is baked zucchini. sprinkle a little parm and spices on sliced zucchini and bake for about 10-15 minutes. YUMMY.
  • eellis2000
    eellis2000 Posts: 465 Member
    i munch on small snacks. some times it's fruit, my hubby will be eating an orange or apple and i'll swipe some, a banana or the 90 calorie fiber one bars are awesome and makes me feel like i ate the bad chocolate candy bar.. and i drink water.
  • flutterqueen04
    I had a day yesterday where I pretty much said screw it and ate almost everything I could get my hands on. I was over 600+ calories. :cry: Normally I do pretty good but this time around its like "GAHH!" I know the sleepy feeling too. Just push through and drink loads of water. I have no real answer...I wish I did cuz it will help us both!! haha.

    PS: Cute picture by the way. :)
  • kamechaf
    kamechaf Posts: 87 Member
    WOW I JUST WENT THROUGH THE SAME THING! I ate everything I wanted... double cheeseburgers, cheese fries, cookies, ice cream and etc. Now day 2 of my cycle and I'm over it. I want my skinny me back (again). So just push through it and it should pass! Good luck!
  • starrbright585
    I definitely wouldn't worry about going over on fat. You burn extra calories when you PMS so that explains the hunger. Just go with it, make sure to excersise and eat when you're hungry. It will all be back to normal soon.
  • Rebeccasluckyduck
    Rebeccasluckyduck Posts: 168 Member
    Everything in moderation. Can you have just a bit of what it is you're craving? (I can't.) I went over a day this week by about 400, but I was under enough of the week that it averages out. Maybe have something to suck on so it seems like it's lasting longer...?
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    Is there anything specific you are craving that you can do a low cal version?

    I find peanut butter helps with my cravings for sweet, you could put peanut butter on a banana.

    you could make pita pizza or english muffin pizza if that is the line of your craving. I find that time of month, it is more the emotional stuff that the craving seem worse when I go without. Maybe find alternatives to be able to treat yourself, then go for a walk.
  • starrbright585
    And believe me every month I eat a TON right before it. And i've still managed to never gain weight.
  • BlazedBetty
    It's my TOM too.. and actually my boyfriend took my scale away.

    I had read that women gain weight during their TOM, but to see it happening was freaking me out. So he hid the scale and told me just to concentrate on what I've been doing and he'll give the scale back next week. LOL

    But my craving is and always has been chocolate.

    I have a real hard time right now, but last night I had 2% milk with sugar free chocolate syrup for 145 calories... and I had Oreo cookie 100 calorie snack pack. It really helped! But was def more sugar than I should've had. It's HARD!

    I do have a hard time motivating myself to do any serious cardio, but I still take a long walk...Try to walk at least a mile, even at a slow pace it's better than no work out at all.

    Hope that helps... I'm fighting this battle for the first time right now... so if you've found anything that helps you, please share it right back!
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    I'll have a small portion of my craving if I know I've been good other days. For instance, my TOM this month had me craving chocolate (surprise, surprise) so before I started changing my eating habits, I'd eat the entire Cadbury chocolate bar. But now, what I did was drank 20oz of water, first, and then broke 3 blocks of chocolates from the bar and ate that. I chewed one piece and sucked on the other two so that I can savor it longer. After I finished the last piece, I was full (mainly from the water) and was able to eat what I craved.

    Try that. Eat a small serving of what you crave, but drink a couple cups of water right before it. Good luck!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    If it's just the feeling of needing to put something into your mouth (I am about to hit my TOM and that's what it does to me), try to make it something small and low calorie so you can keep eating whatever it is without doing too much damage. My favorite is breakfast cereal. Cheerios, Kix, Oatmeal Squares, etc. I make myself eat it one piece at a time and I can eat a whole lot and not really take in a lot of calories.
  • sullyboo
    sullyboo Posts: 256 Member
    Treats are ok now and again ... Have a little of what you fancy , if you deprive yourself that's when you may feel like giving up .. This is a way of life after all and good if you can allow yourself treats ... From looking at other threads it seems that some people actually lose weight after a blow out !! If you are tired sleep and do more activity another day .... No need to beat yourself up ... We all have difficult days .. This site fab for keeping one motivated and giving a boost when you need it !! Keep going it will be worth it .
  • Sarahr73
    Sarahr73 Posts: 454 Member
    Thanks for the advice ladies. This is my first TOM since I joined MFP so you're really healping.

    I am eating a Kellog's peanut butter and chocolate protein bar right now (instead of the reese's peanut butter cups that looked good in the vending machine) and am trying to eat it slowly and savor the yumminess. And I was not planning on weighing myself for the next week but had the urge to this morning and it was not fun. So maybe I will make my fiance hide the scale from me until next weekend. I will have to stock up on cereal and small snacks once every month :happy:
  • jonesz922
    jonesz922 Posts: 89 Member
    I eat a spoonful of almond butter (can't eat peanut) with some nutella... if I STILL want the snack after then I do it. MOST of the time, the mouthful of reese's like tasting sweetness is enough!