P90X Support!

Hello All,

I have owned the P90X workout for several months now and have been integrating the workouts within my normal weekly workouts and runs, however; Starting today I am going to consistantly do the P90X workout as my weekly workouts. I had gotten through 1 month of the workout plan when I first got the program but unexpected family emergencies and hard family losses have prevented or discouraged me lately from completing the entire program as I had no energy and was mentally drained.

With the medial issues that members of my family have had in the last few months, it has really kick started me into my workouts again and now back into my P90X. I plan on starting a blog on my progress and was hoping that I could get some friends added on here that could help with some encouragement? I am very willing to help with anyone that has a question and I'm just hoping for some of that support too.
