Getting Started Again

I just signed up for this site. I recently did a 21 day fit body boot camp which has helped jump start my motivation to finally get in shape. I'm starting at 244 and working my way down to 175 or 180. I'm excited for this journey because I know it will be a lifestyle change. I plan on following the Abs meal diet plan with my fitness plan, so I am hoping to see some awesome results. I would love to make friends on here to keep me motivated and help keep myself accountable. :smile:


  • Johnson2002
    I'm right in there with you, It might seem like a long journey but WE can do day at a time!!!!
  • Wraiythe
    Wraiythe Posts: 786 Member
    Welcome!! Feel free to add me if you'd like. You'll really like this site. It's full of awesome people who are way more than willing to motivate you LOL
  • Kia84
    Kia84 Posts: 5
    I just realized I posted this twice...I kind of got confused....myyyy bad :smile:
  • bryan02
    bryan02 Posts: 30
    Good luck.. I wish you the best!