Boyfriend and I broke up... close to binging



  • picturesing
    picturesing Posts: 228
    :brokenheart: Been there - done that! In 2009 I was so on track - droppin weight and a gym fanatic.....:cry: then my heart was broke......and I let it all go and now 2 years later I started over again - my heart healed but I allowed my sorry to overwhelm me and my goals - I can't tell you strongly enough how much I beat myself up about that - loosing me over a guy.....never again. I know know how important I am to me and how strong I am. If you fall down for a bit over this heart ache - well - pick yourself up and hold your head up and take that first step again - for YOU!!!!! I'm so proud that you reached out to your friends here - it shows you don't want to give up on you - so don't.....the pain will fade and you will still have to look in that mirror everyday :bigsmile:
    Hang in there.
    As my mother is fond of saying..........."This too shall pass"............:flowerforyou:
  • qtpiesmom
    qtpiesmom Posts: 394 Member
    Sorry your going through a tough time right now but in time it will pass. We are all here to become healthy, sometimes you have to find another way of dealing with lifes challenges instead of choosing something unhealthy for you. Your heart will mean, you will get through this pain and sadness, but you want to get through it coming out on the other side with your head held high and smiling. That may seem like a lifetime away right now but try and stay strong, work through with what and how you need to heal your broken heart.
    Try taking your frustrations, sadness and all the other feelings you will be going through in a positive way for yourself, exercise, go for a run, do some zumba or find a kick boxing class.