
Hi, my name is Stephanie. Ive been using this site for a couple of weeks, but I'm just now getting around to introducing myself. I'm 28 yrs old, mother of one and I am trying to lose between 15 and 20 lbs...but I am also training for my first half marathon in June!!! Any and all help is welcome!!!



  • Simone1970
    Hi Stephanie,

    I've been on MFP for about a week npw and like you, trying to lose about 15 lbs. That's great you are training for a half marathon! I like to run and can run for about 45 minutes before I have to stop and give my joints a rest. Running is such great exercise, wish I had better knees for the sport. But I do run at least a couple of times a week in the summer time. It's so great to be outside and not in a hot stuffy gym when you can. A couple times per week doesn't stress my knees out too bad. Do you use a heart rate monitor when you exercise? I find it extremely helpful for when I am working out.

    Best of luck to you!

  • blackdyess
    blackdyess Posts: 5 Member

    I dont use a heart rate monitor. I started running as a stress reliever and it just went from there. Ive never had problems w/my knees, but i have bad ankles and Im really klutzy. So i try not to over do anything. When I've tried the moniters they stress me out. I dont even like using the ones on the crosstrainers at the gym. Has it helped you w/your weightloss??