Calories, short girls, and losing weight



  • RiiNaCHiiCK09
    RiiNaCHiiCK09 Posts: 109 Member
    Technically you ARE at the ideal weight for your height. If you are looking to tone you should definitely be eating more calories so you can replace fat with muscle.

    That's what I'm on here doing. I set it to 0 pounds loss and have a goal of 1900 a day.

    yea i kno that. and i went to that website you showed.
    Im at a healthy weight, but i want a flat stomach for once in my life =/

    The best exercise I know for a flat belly is called "6 inch killers" You lay on your back and hold your feet 6 inches off the ground 6" (hence the name) for 20 sec, relax then 30 back to 20 then 30 ..... 10 reps of each. Hold your tummy in and put your hands to the side on your body or under you lower back for support. It really builds your core! The name is real!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You will be sore!! Take and hold your legs (ball yourself up) to your chest every 2 reps, or one, which ever you can take. :smile:

    if you don't mind my saying, GOD BLESS YOU!!! lol i will definitely try this workout! It sounds like it could do me some real good!
  • SaraTonin
    SaraTonin Posts: 551 Member
    ^ That's a great exercise!

    But yeah, fo sho, you should be worrying about exercise more than weight loss - I'd set your settings to .5 lbs maybe and active so you can build muscle (can't build muscles at 1200 cals), and you'll replace that tummy pouch with rock!
  • RiiNaCHiiCK09
    RiiNaCHiiCK09 Posts: 109 Member
    ^ That's a great exercise!

    But yeah, fo sho, you should be worrying about exercise more than weight loss - I'd set your settings to .5 lbs maybe and active so you can build muscle (can't build muscles at 1200 cals), and you'll replace that tummy pouch with rock!

    replacing my tummy pouch with rock is most def what i want!!!! i think im going to try that right now
  • RiiNaCHiiCK09
    RiiNaCHiiCK09 Posts: 109 Member
    ok does doing jillian michaels 30 day shred plus 10 minutes of calisthenics count as being active? not to mention i chase my almost 2 year old nephew around all day and pick up his toys...
    active? or slightly active?
  • chattygirl2
    chattygirl2 Posts: 103
    Thanks ladies!! I got this from 2 peeps a Jags cheerleader and a football player!! ;)
    Whats the saying???!!...... "pain is gain" in the good way!! :laugh: :happy:
  • RiiNaCHiiCK09
    RiiNaCHiiCK09 Posts: 109 Member
    1200 is pretty low for a lot of people - I like to suggest setting to 1 pound, since that's what doctors recommend unless you're in the morbid obese range (where it's easier to drop faster like you see on TV).

    argh i feel so aggravated! I did what you recommended and changed my weekly goal to 1 lb and my daily calorie intake is still 1200 calories nd its saying i should only lose 2.9 lbs by april 29th! Aye idk what the deal is. Im just starting to feel like losing these extra 10lbs just isn't going to happen :brokenheart:

    DON"T GIVE UP!!! Maybe you can add some leg weights while your doing housework or working out?? I sooo know how you feel, I put on some jeans that fit last week and today............not so much!! I was crushed!! Yet yesterday I felt like I looked thinner??? I guess I'll just push thru this for a month and see if I need to change anything. I'll give it that much then make a change!! :ohwell:
    Thanks, I needed t type!! :)

    Thanks for all ur exercising advice! its really so helpful!! nd i kno i just asked this, but u seem to kno a lot about this stuff lmao sooo ill ask u specifically: ok does doing jillian michaels 30 day shred plus 10 minutes of calisthenics count as being active? not to mention i chase my almost 2 year old nephew around all day and pick up his toys...
    active? or slightly active?
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I will also chime in that someone at your size is NOT going to lose 2 pounds a week the healthy way - MAYbe .5 pounds a week is realistic. Weight loss is also not linear, so one day you might not lose but the next you might be a pound lighter. Don't get frustrated and don't depend TOO much on the scale at your current stats.
  • jbootman
    jbootman Posts: 145 Member
    I am still obese although looking forward to being overweight, and with a calorie restriction of about 600/day I am losing 2 pounds per week,

    your bmi/bmr thingy would have to be even lower to sustain that kind of rate,

    the way I see it is that soon when I am overweight I need to settle for a 1 pound per week rate, yes horribly slow and for those younger women it can be frustrating because of hormonal/water weight fluctuations, gives a tracker that images the area of loss as a range

    several things I intend to do when I reach your range, jealous, jealous, is to get a new scale, weigh myself at exactly the same time of day each reading wearing the exact same clothes,

    1 pound per week is like watching paint dry, but your 10 pounds will be gone in 10 weeks, fiddle with the goals calculator until your calories show clear 1 pound per week, then be very strict with your food measurement, swap out some foods for instance celery instead of carrots, almond milk instead of nonfat cow milk, the little tweaks, take a look at your sodium intake,

    and my 2 favorite hints: 1. eat the same thing for every breakfast, every day, create your universal lunches, and dinners, make yourself a master food menu, now is not the time to be adventurous, 2. be sure you are getting enough sleep, sleep deprivation stresses our bodies and we hold water,

    oh also up your water
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    At 4'11" You aren't going to lose weight very fast eating 1200 cals unless you are very overweight to start with. I'd set it to 1/2 a lb a week, and you'll probably find you will still be given 1200! I'd ramp up the exercise and try not to worry too much about the food bit to start with. Just log what you eat and see how it looks a week or so in.
  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    some low cal and low sugar foods can cause bloating like "sugar alcohol" so it might be part of what you are eating its is processes or "healthy" best bets are natural things like whole grains, fruits and veggies.
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