I can't stomach water, I try really I do, but I just can't drink enough per day. I don't have the money or space to buy bottled water and lthough my tap watrr isn't as bad as the last place I lived, I just can't seem to be able to drink enough. I have to have it ice cold to even be able to get it past my lips:tongue: I even want out and bought a reuseble water bottle.

Any suggestions would be helpful


  • marshmallowmind
    marshmallowmind Posts: 82 Member
    I'm the same! Have to have it ice cold before I even consider drinking it. Asda sell 2L bottles of water for 17p, it's what I buy & it's nicer than tap water! Just keep it in the fridge. Or you could try putting lemon in it, I've heard that adds a nicer flavour. :)
  • Elle408
    Elle408 Posts: 500 Member
    I hate it... absolutely abhor the stuff and used to get by on about half a litre of diet coke a day and that was it!

    Now I drink about 2 and a half litres but I use some Robinson's sugar free orange cordial and it's so much easier to drink! I know that the cordial isn't great as it's not 'pure'... but I couldn't care less! i'm getting in 2 and a half litres of clear, non-caffeinated fluids and that's much better than the 500mls of diet coke I was on before.
  • sundance2032
    sundance2032 Posts: 376 Member
    I put lemon in mine, i am still not drinking what I need to, but it helps. I have also heard that it makes you thursty and you end up drinking more. It is worth a try. Good luck.