East Into Good Health

Small steps don’t just count; they can make or break a given goal.

In fact, in the long run, seemingly inconsequential baby steps can make a person more likely to stick to a health and fitness program and ultimately achieve their goals.

Making serious lifestyle changes is a lot to swallow at once. It’s common for people who are just starting out with a new diet or exercise regimen to become discouraged and give up before experiencing any real payoff.

That’s why it’s important to provide encouragement, and plenty of it, to those who are making an effort to get healthier, no matter how minor it may seem on the surface.

Commitments to health are not made lightly, especially for people who have never given much thought (much less effort) to improving theirs.

Make sure you recognize each small step as the noteworthy milestone it is for the individual who is taking it. Be a source of support, valuable information, and tools to help them further their efforts.

Doing so will reinforce their decision to eat right, work out, quit smoking, or even just make that doctor’s appointment they’ve been putting off.

It’s all in the name of good health.

Get moving in the right direction with some easy-to-manage steps toward better health, such as these from SmallStep Adult & Teen, a government wellness initiative:
• Make a grocery list before you shop.
• Every time you eat a meal, sit down, chew slowly, and pay attention to flavors and textures.
• Sit up straight at work.
• Take the long way to the water cooler.
• Do sit-ups in front of the TV.
• Eat before you get too hungry.
• Replace high-saturated fat/high calorie seasonings with herbs grown in a small herb garden in your kitchen window.
• Keep a pair of comfortable walking or running shoes in your car and office.
• Reward and acknowledge your efforts.


  • dmisom79
    dmisom79 Posts: 112
    Title should say EASE into Good Health. Sorry about that.
  • Jenn728
    Jenn728 Posts: 683 Member
    Love it!!!!!

    Each week that passes, I discover something new about myself and my habits. And I also discover new-to-me things that will help me along the way.

    I've always *wanted* to lose weight. The difference between then and now is that I am determined and committed and I feel lucky to have resources and support to better my efforts.