Spring-worthy Diet and Exercise Tips

Now that spring has (almost) sprung, how about taking stock of those resolutions you made back in January?

Though the New Year inspires good intentions and plenty of determination, it’s not uncommon for the bloom to be off the rose come March. Life and work intervene, willpower fades, and many of us end up right back where we started.

A couple of the most popular resolutions, losing weight and making a commitment to fitness are all too often sidelined when the season of resolve passes.

Spring is the perfect time to dust off your resolutions and renew your efforts to achieve the goals you were striving for.

With warmer weather and more after-work daylight to enjoy, the season practically begs for outdoor activity. Bike rides, long walks, even gardening all burn calories, combat stress, and promote better health.

It’s also a great time to lighten up at the dinner table. Winter’s heavy, hearty comfort foods can be traded in for fresher, healthier dishes like veggie-laden salads and grilled lean meats.

WebMD offers some more spring diet tips:
• Fill up on foods like vegetables, which keep you satisfied without piling on calories. Try eating a low-calorie salad before a meal to help tame your appetite so you eat less overall.
• Eat hot cereal like oatmeal for breakfast. More filling and less caloric than dry cereal, high-fiber hot cereals are also good for your heart.
• Drink green tea, which is calorie-free and contains a substance that research shows may stimulate the body to burn calories.
• Curb cravings by giving in. One square of dark chocolate goes a long way toward satisfying your sweet tooth, and its antioxidants can help lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes.


  • Jenn728
    Jenn728 Posts: 683 Member
    Excellent tips!

  • swiftfox82
    Great tips! I will defiantly put them to use
  • sbodi
    sbodi Posts: 13
    i do the salad trick and it actually does help!!!! Just need to remember to watch the amount of dressing you use!