Laser Hair Removal Anyone?

LemonCitron Posts: 116 Member
Happy Friday!

I got a really good deal on Dealfind today. $89 for 6 sessions of hair removal. Has anyone ever gotten laser hair removal? What are your experiences?

The laser is a LightSheer Duet. Not sure if that is a good one or not. And I'm praying this works because I bought 4 vouchers for myself and 1 for my mom for her b-day.... Eeeep!


  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    I have not had any experience with that particular laser equipment but I can tell you laser is definately worth it. I unfortunately have some really stubborn hair so I have been going for a couple years now, but I have heard of people being done after only a few treatments. If you are a suck for pain, I would suggest getting some numbing cream. That can also differ based on equipment. For the first year and half I got it done I didn't need numbing cream, then when I moved to another city and it is different equipment being used on me, I have to as its so sensitive.

    Oh.. and my personal experience is I don't like to leave the house that day cause its so red, but the following morning, all is good. It depends on where you are getting treated though.
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    Are you kidding me? I'm just trying to keep my hair! My hairline is receding so fast its leaving skid marks. :laugh:

    But if you see any Laser Calories Removers, sign me up!
  • kbdelarosa
    kbdelarosa Posts: 183 Member
    My bff owned a medi-spa for a few years and I got to be a guinea pig. She did it on my legs about 4 times and I only have to shave half as often as I used to. Wish her business was still around...I would have had more done!
  • nemed
    nemed Posts: 8
    I have had 4 sessions done so far. The hair is thinning out but I think I will need more than 6 sessions to be hair free. The numbing cream is a MUST, but I have heard that the laser doesn't bother some people. Maybe it just depends on the area you are getting done. I get there 1 hour before my session to give the numbing cream time to work and even then it still hurts like crazy! Good luck!
  • AngiMoss
    AngiMoss Posts: 77
    I've done it....with pretty good results. The first time I did my chin (ovarian cysts caused some dark sprouts) & I decided I was too young for that crap, so I went for it. All the really stubborn hairs are gone, with just the peach fuzz remaining. Then I came across one of those deals like you did and decided to do my legs. I'm only 3 sessions in, but I can already see a big reduction.
    So, for me, it's worked out great. Different people will get different results. I was a prime candidate because I am very pale & have very dark hair. There are lots of different types of lasers, but none that work very well on light colored hair. If you are someone who does any type of tanning, you will likely need to lay off that for awhile. Obviously, that is something that is best discussed with the clinic though.
  • sray30
    sray30 Posts: 97 Member
    Unfortunately it didn't work for me. I got a similar deal where I live, 6 sessions. My hair is thick and dark and the six sessions only got rid of the very fine, thin hairs. One session the laser "arced" and burned my skin where I didn't have any of that gel and now I'm left with a wonderful scar the size of a dime on my face.

    You'll probably have to fill out a questionaire before you go in about your skin, how you tan and so on. That will determine the intensity of the light. I answered one the questions that put me in another category and if somone was actually looking at my answers and then my skin they would have known that I shouldn't have been in that category. It wasn't until the last session that the girl doing the laser actually noticed that I should have been at a different level of light. I don't know if that would have made a difference with my results, maybe, but I will probably never do it again.

    Hope this helps!
  • LemonCitron
    LemonCitron Posts: 116 Member
    Hey guys, thanks for all the responses!! I was also wondering how long each session was?
  • AngiMoss
    AngiMoss Posts: 77
    It varies with which area you are doing. My chin appointments took 10-15 minutes (only a few of those minutes were actual zapping time). The chin & lip area was pretty uncomfortable to have treated but it was over real quick, so I thought it was worth suffering a little.
    Now I am doing my legs and the appointment is booked for 40 minutes I think, but only about 20-30 minutes of laser time. The rest is getting dressed down and prepped. The discomfort level is so much less on my legs than it was on my face, which is to be expected.

    As long as your expectations are reasonable, I would predict that it will go fine for you. If it was that terrible, people wouldn't do it as often as they do, right? It's also important to understand that you will NOT be completely hair free forever. Be sure to talk to your laser tech about what your expectations are & what you're likely to achieve from the process.
    Good luck!
  • LemonCitron
    LemonCitron Posts: 116 Member
    Pain doesn't really bother me that much, I'm not too worried about that. I had 1 session of tattoo removal and it didn't hurt nearly as bad as I had heard it was going to.

    Also, as women we are um, more sensitive to pain at certain times of the month.

    Thanks again :)