All Moms..question about piercings and stretch marks!



  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    . Had I known I was going to have a massive scar running up my abdomen my whole life I would have never gotten the darn thing pierced! At least I now know that I'm not along :)

    This makes me giggle because when I was talking to hubs about it he says, see that's why you shouldn't have gotten the thing in the first place! :laugh: I had to laugh - hind-sights 20/20, like I thought at 18 that I'd be carrying 2 children and wishing that belly button rings didn't exist!!
  • I think I lucked out by not getting the stretch marks but it definitely looks a lot different since my belly button popped out and then went back in after I had my son. Now they are just odd looking, purple scars. Have you tried using "stretch mark" creme? The stuff I used was amazing but I've heard it has more to do with genetics than anything else. Of course I don't really believe that either since my sister has them and I don't. I was blessed with the hail storm that hit my *** after I gave birth so celulite or stretch marks.....What we go thru for our little ones:)
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