hi everyone!

debsgoal115 Posts: 13
edited September 19 in Introduce Yourself
Hi! I just found this web site and so far it's been great! I'm looking forward to interacting with you on the boards and share tips and tricks. I've been trying to lose the same 25 pounds for 20 years and finally, thisi year, decided to get off my butt and do it! :laugh:


  • Hi! I just found this web site and so far it's been great! I'm looking forward to interacting with you on the boards and share tips and tricks. I've been trying to lose the same 25 pounds for 20 years and finally, thisi year, decided to get off my butt and do it! :laugh:
  • Welcome to the gang......I'm relatively new as well...have done great my first week...mostly because of the tools....still trying to get to know people though. I wish you the best of luck, and if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.

  • hi vikki!
    This site reminds me of the weight watchers online program, except that it's free! :-)
    I hope I stick to my weight loss plan this time...Today, I'm basically within my caloric allowance (ok, I'm a bit over). I'm really getting tired of clothes that are too tight and silence that greets me when I tell people - "i need to lose weight!"
  • stschulz
    stschulz Posts: 340
    Welcome to MFP :flowerforyou: !
    It is a lot like WW online. You'll like it.
  • Jezika
    Jezika Posts: 82 Member
    Hello and welcome to the MFP family! Good luck with your goals and that last 25 lbs! :flowerforyou:
  • IAM125lbs
    IAM125lbs Posts: 235 Member
    Welcome aboard!!! this is a really great site.
  • dachinababe
    dachinababe Posts: 185
    welcome and make urself at home...we are here to support u
  • kc_lea
    kc_lea Posts: 65 Member
    Hey there! Nice to meet you. MFP has been great for me... I especially love the little lbs counter, and obviously the food diary. And the 'free' factor :tongue:

    Good luck with your goal! Keep us posted.
  • Hi Deb,
    I too just joined this afternoon...what a great sight. Did my profile and put in the food I already ate today and realized after lunch I had eaten 500 more calories then I hsould have for the day...so thought I'd throw in a bike ride and the bike ride took those 500 calories away and put me back on track! What a great sight. Now to stick to it will be the challenge...where you from?
    I'm from Vacaville, CA,...ljr
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    Hi, and welcome!
    This site is really fantastic, you're going to totally love it! It really works too, and is pretty easy, what with the great food counter, and all the wonderfully supportive people here.
    I might suggest that you log all your foods BEFORE you have them, rather than after, since seeing your totals might lead to some better food choices. It's also a good idea to weigh or measure too.
  • Hi Steff!!!
    thanks for the welcome!!! I was surprised how easy this site is to use and it does track a lot like WW!
  • Thanks! I hope to be able to add one of those weight tracking avatars to my messages!!! I have a vacation coming up, so if I just don't gain weight while I'm away, I'll be happy! :happy:
  • I'm already encouraged by what I'm reading on the forum! Hope to b 25 lbs lighter....soon!!! LOL
  • Thanks. Me too! I'm here to offer any support that I can.
  • I love the photo you posted! Yes, the "free" factor was what attracted me - I'm wondering how quickly WW will notice and object?
  • Oops. I tried to respond to each of the posts, but I think I should really just post once... Sorry!!!
    I live in Philly, in the city, and real urban gal. I'm in my 40s, divorced and still looking for that special someone! thanks everyone for your encouragement!
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