Secretly get revenge on your spouse?

Dreamerlove Posts: 441 Member
Hey y'all!

So awhile back my husband did something to annoy me while I was brushing my teeth and I had evil thought that if he ever really made me mad, I could use his toothbrush to clean something gross! I didn't do it! But it was an evil thought, hehe :devil: So I thought it would be funny to hear if anyone has secretly done something do get self revenge without their spouse knowing! Just let me say I ADORE my husband and he is my hero, but I am human and have thought about it ,lol. So lets hear your stories, I know they are out there!


  • mikeylikesit1177
    lol you should totally get a ice ice ice cold bowl of water and throw it at him while he is on the toilet. totally defensless
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    My hubby is super fit with an amazing body... I bake sugar free, high protein cookies for him as treats. Sometimes I'm so darn jealous of his body and high metabolism that I want to bake with full sugar and full fat and let him think he's eating sugar free! he he he I wouldn't do it. But, I think it! Especially when he decided to get nice 6-pack abs when I was 9 months prego!! :devil:
  • randi50
    randi50 Posts: 112
    No, a glass of ICE cold water and you dump it over them while they are in the nice hot shower...too funny! lol
  • ej_xo
    ej_xo Posts: 75
    HEHE! Love this!

    Last Christmas my dad was stuffing our stockings as I came home earlier than he had expected...SO I KINDA SAW A LITTLE BIT OF WHAT HE WAS DOING!

    One of the things that struck my attention was a big tub of CHOCOLATE chip cookies with a red bow and a big tub of RAISIN OATMEAL cookies with a green bow on it.

    I mean, I love raisin oatmeal...but CHOCOLATE...hello!

    Anyways, on Christmas morning, I woke up first and went downstairs to see the full stockings and the presents under the I was sitting, scanning the gifts while waiting for the others to wake up, I noticed that GREEN RIBBON in my stocking and the RED RIBBON in my sisters.

    I think you're all smart enough to put 2 and 2 together! HEHE! No one was awake, they look the same from a distance (so my dad never even noticed the switch)...and I got to enjoy that whole tub of chewy chunky chocolate chip cookies! YUM YUM YUM!

    P.S. My dad is Santa, don't worry...he EXISTS ; -)
  • Voncreepy2
    Voncreepy2 Posts: 1,450 Member
    my husband and i went through our seventh year of marriage a few years ago and fought like cats and dogs the entire year for the stupidest reasons, some were not so stupid, we just didn't get along at all. I would never do these things either but have a really vivid imagination and tend to expound on things when i am uspet. I had actually considered feeding him exlax brownies before a business meeting. My imagination was enough for me though and I am too fearful of really hurting someone with a stupid act of "revenge". i turned to God instead. We get a long great now.:laugh:

    sometimes you just gotta vent and pray!!!!
  • Dreamerlove
    Dreamerlove Posts: 441 Member
    lol you should totally get a ice ice ice cold bowl of water and throw it at him while he is on the toilet. totally defensless

    This SOOO made me laugh!!! I like the defenseless part!!
  • TiniTurtle
    TiniTurtle Posts: 595 Member
    lol if you did that to him, it'd also be revenge back on yourself, because he will at some point be kissing you :oP it's a pretty gross/funny idea though better played out on someone you wouldn't be kissing baha maybe if he was a soon to be x husband? bahahaha
  • Dreamerlove
    Dreamerlove Posts: 441 Member
    My hubby is super fit with an amazing body... I bake sugar free, high protein cookies for him as treats. Sometimes I'm so darn jealous of his body and high metabolism that I want to bake with full sugar and full fat and let him think he's eating sugar free! he he he I wouldn't do it. But, I think it! Especially when he decided to get nice 6-pack abs when I was 9 months prego!! :devil:

    I love it!!! I would think the SAME thing!!!! My husband has a VERY high metabolism too..for Bfast I had 2% milk with kashi cereal for like the 1897487 time in a row...he makes Cinnamon rolls!! lol
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    Ok so no one has actually said what they HAVE done to their spouse, just what they would like to do. So I'll be brave and be the first one. When my husband and I were first dating (like about 6 months in and we were basically living together, so it was pretty serious) I made chicken wraps for dinner one night.

    Now let me preface this with saying, he loves to wrestle with and annoy the cat. He loves the cat and he'll be lovey dovey with him, but he also likes to treat him how you might roughhouse with a dog....dogs tend to like it, cats...not so much. He must have also done something to piss me off that day, because after dinner I went in to kitchen to clean up and make sandwiches for us both for the next day out of the leftover chicken. I walk in and find my cat up on the counter, helping himself to some of the chicken. I started to think, crap, so much for the chicken, it's gotta be thrown out, but then I thought why be wasteful so I still made a sandwich for my husband, lol.

    To be fair, it wasn't a breast of chicken the cat was gnawing was little cut up chunks, so what I fed my husband probably wasn't even touched by the cat, but still I couldn't eat it after seeing that, but what he doesn't know can't hurt him. To this day he doesn't know he shared his lunch with the cat, and sometimes when he makes me mad I just smile to myself :laugh:
  • corpus_validum
    corpus_validum Posts: 292 Member
    I love it!!! I would think the SAME thing!!!! My husband has a VERY high metabolism too..for Bfast I had 2% milk with kashi cereal for like the 1897487 time in a row...he makes Cinnamon rolls!! lol

    If u really want to get back at your husband, eat the Kashi GoLean Crunch cereal 2-3 hrs before bedtime:bigsmile:
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    Hey y'all!

    So awhile back my husband did something to annoy me while I was brushing my teeth and I had evil thought that if he ever really made me mad, I could use his toothbrush to clean something gross! I didn't do it! But it was an evil thought, hehe :devil: So I thought it would be funny to hear if anyone has secretly done something do get self revenge without their spouse knowing! Just let me say I ADORE my husband and he is my hero, but I am human and have thought about it ,lol. So lets hear your stories, I know they are out there!

    When an ex broke up with me, he left the toothbrush I had for him at my apartment so I did clean the bathroom with it. Of course it didn't hurt him since he never came back to use it, but it made me feel better. I also cleaned the bathroom with a shirt that another ex left behind....we kept on touch for several years and he actually did ask about the shirt, but I just said hmm, I don't know what happened to it. He was like oh bummer, I liked that shirt, lol.
  • bmreed0920
    bmreed0920 Posts: 139 Member
    When my husband makes me mad I flush the toilet in the master bath room while he is taken a shower. Works every time.
  • MamaReebs
    MamaReebs Posts: 240 Member
    No, a glass of ICE cold water and you dump it over them while they are in the nice hot shower...too funny! lol

    I have done this numerous times! My mom used to do it to me when I was a kid.
  • mikeylikesit1177
    you got to let us know what you did.
  • Dreamerlove
    Dreamerlove Posts: 441 Member
    Bahaha!!! My husband treats our cat the SAME way!!! Everytime I come home, the cat meets me at the door and meows to me a million times..I like to think Bentley (the cat) is telling me about his day. When my husband comes home Bentley doesn't meet him at the door meowing, so my husband will hold the cat till he meows at him...MEN!!! He doesn't hurt him, just holds him.

    Oh, I have fed my husband something the DOG or cat has ate off of too, bhahaha
  • Dreamerlove
    Dreamerlove Posts: 441 Member
    One time my friend, bought one of those loud air horns, and just when her husband fell asleep BEEEEPPPPPPPP,..I gotta try that one!
  • sarahs440
    sarahs440 Posts: 405
    One night I came home from a nightout with my friends. I was a little tipsy...My husband was alseep but I felt like talking. Something came over me and I dumped a bottle of water on his head....he was SO mad!! hahaha I cant believe i just admitted that. lol
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    I hope my wife doesn't read this thread (She is on MFP but doesn't often use the forums).... Womens minds are SCARY!
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    I texted my husband in a meeting saying "Guess who's pregnant :wink:"

    It was a friend of ours, but we have 5 kids and were just the night before joking about me being pregnant. He had to sit through the meeting.
  • bmreed0920
    bmreed0920 Posts: 139 Member
    Ok so no one has actually said what they HAVE done to their spouse, just what they would like to do. So I'll be brave and be the first one. When my husband and I were first dating (like about 6 months in and we were basically living together, so it was pretty serious) I made chicken wraps for dinner one night.

    Now let me preface this with saying, he loves to wrestle with and annoy the cat. He loves the cat and he'll be lovey dovey with him, but he also likes to treat him how you might roughhouse with a dog....dogs tend to like it, cats...not so much. He must have also done something to piss me off that day, because after dinner I went in to kitchen to clean up and make sandwiches for us both for the next day out of the leftover chicken. I walk in and find my cat up on the counter, helping himself to some of the chicken. I started to think, crap, so much for the chicken, it's gotta be thrown out, but then I thought why be wasteful so I still made a sandwich for my husband, lol.

    To be fair, it wasn't a breast of chicken the cat was gnawing was little cut up chunks, so what I fed my husband probably wasn't even touched by the cat, but still I couldn't eat it after seeing that, but what he doesn't know can't hurt him. To this day he doesn't know he shared his lunch with the cat, and sometimes when he makes me mad I just smile to myself :laugh:

    My husband does the same thing to our cat. But she loves it. Hes done that since she was a kitten. Its super cute.

    So I havent feed my husband cat chicken yet, but I do keep two jars of peanut butter in the house. One for the dog and one for us. Well he can never remember which one is which and most of the time uses the dogs peanut butter. I scoop it out and put it in her Kong and rescoop to get more. Sometimes she just gets a spoonfull then another spoonsfull. So gross. But he still eats it.