Those without gym memberships.



  • UcallMeJay
    I jog around my neighborhood for free.
    I also have a garage with enough equipment to not need a gym. You would be amazed at how cheap you can find weights and other equipment on Craigslist. I think I have invested less than $400 into my garage.
    I have a workout bench with a rack for bench press or squats, an Olympic size bar with about 400lbs of weight plates. a pully system attached to the bench. And a rack of dumbbells with weights ranging from 5lbs to 35lbs.

    I get my workouts for free from Men's Health Magazine's website. You can join their Belly Off! club for free and gets exercise program and eating plan. I am currently doing DumbBell Blast which requires nothing more than dumbbells and body weight.

    Oh and I have a heart rate monitor to tell how many calories burned.