Prescription ADD medication, anyone else take it and how doe



  • HeatherShrinking
    HeatherShrinking Posts: 805 Member
    Hope this doesn't derail your thread... But has anyone ever switched from a stimulant ADD med to one of the non-stimulant ADD meds? My doc said if you've been on a stimulant ADD med the non-stimulant ADD meds wouldn't work for you. I may eventually go to another doc for a second opinion, but has anyone tried this?
  • allroundthesun
    I don't take any of these meds, but I'm a teacher and over the years, I'd had several students who take them and struggled with the same eating/appetite issues.

    Most of the kids I've known would eat a small breakfast (even something small is still something) before their a.m. dose and then do the same thing with their subsequent doses--if they needed any. I would also let them snack throughout the day, so when the mood to eat struck them, they could.

    I'm sure none of this was remotely helpful. :laugh: Good luck to you!

    No, it really is helpful, it's just good to hear that other people have the same issue, it's reassuring (not that I'm glad other people have this issue :laugh: but hopefuly you know what I mean). Thank you!

    :heart: -- Juliet
  • allroundthesun
    I work in the mental health field and my son has ADD, so I understand what you are going through. You say that you have tried many other drugs with side effects, but there is a newer version of Adderall on the market right now that is called Vyvanse. It metabolizes in your body differently than the other amphetamines and has a smoother onset and offset. There are still some appetite suppressant concerns with it, but overall it seems to cause much less weight loss than others. (

    As far as eating breakfast, I'm not big on breakfast either and I find that drinking a protein shake or eating a protein bar helps. There are some good ones out there.

    Good luck to you :bigsmile:

    Oh, I know, I had such a disappointing experience with Vyvanse. :frown: My doctor prescribed it and mentioned the same things you did about its benefits over Adderall, but when I got to the pharmacy, I found out my insurance didn't cover it, and that it would cost my close to $200/month! It's only been available in Canada for about a year, so hopefully my insurance picks it up eventually, but in the meantime, it's a no go. Thank you for the suggestion, though! :smile:

    :heart: -- Juliet
  • allroundthesun
    Both my sons have ADHD and are on Focalin. I give them their medicine while they are eating. They nibble though out the day, eat a large supper and usually get a snack between 7-8pm just before they go to bed.

    I'm not familiar with Focalin, will have to look that one up! Thanks! :happy:

    :heart: -- Juliet
  • allroundthesun
    Also, you can buy protein shakes at Walmart in the pharmacy area. I buy EAS carbadvantage because I don't want 30g of carbs, but the downside to that is it's less protein. They make a regular version too though that is higher calorie, protein, carbs etc. They don't taste awful either. The ones I drink do taste a little "watered" down to me, so for extra protein and calories I pour in one cup of milk with it. These are easy and on the go, you don't need a blender for them. Blending them in with fruits and veggies would also be a great idea though!

    I'm one of those pretentious snobs who boycotts Walmart :wink: :laugh: but I'm going to see if I can find them at one of the large pharmacies, or maybe online, sounds ideal for me, thank you again! :happy:

    :heart: -- Juliet
  • allroundthesun
    Also, you can buy protein shakes at Walmart in the pharmacy area. I buy EAS carbadvantage because I don't want 30g of carbs, but the downside to that is it's less protein. They make a regular version too though that is higher calorie, protein, carbs etc. They don't taste awful either. The ones I drink do taste a little "watered" down to me, so for extra protein and calories I pour in one cup of milk with it. These are easy and on the go, you don't need a blender for them. Blending them in with fruits and veggies would also be a great idea though!

    I'm one of those pretentious snobs who boycotts Walmart :wink: :laugh: but I'm going to see if I can find them at one of the large pharmacies, or maybe online, sounds ideal for me, thank you again! :happy:

    :heart: -- Juliet
  • allroundthesun
    Didn't mean to come across in a bad way, but thanks for the links.

    Oh dear, I think not being able to interpret others' tones on the internet strikes again! :wink: :laugh: Apologies for responding harshly! :flowerforyou:

    :heart: -- Juliet
  • allroundthesun
    Hope this doesn't derail your thread... But has anyone ever switched from a stimulant ADD med to one of the non-stimulant ADD meds? My doc said if you've been on a stimulant ADD med the non-stimulant ADD meds wouldn't work for you. I may eventually go to another doc for a second opinion, but has anyone tried this?

    Derail away, posts that flow around naturally are the best kind, in my opinion. :smile:

    I've never even heard of this, so am very curious to hear replies as well!

    :heart: -- Juliet
  • allroundthesun