Super Bummed!

kristyyoung Posts: 30 Member
edited September 25 in Motivation and Support
I am super bummed that I have not lost a pound for almost 2 weeks. In fact, I have gained a couple but refuse to log until I lose. I have been eating healthy, right at my calorie goal every day, and working out daily...but the number on that darn scale won't go down! I have however, lost 1 & 1/2 inches in my waist. I feel the difference in how my clothes fit. know I should be happy about that, but I am getting a little frustrated with the number on the scale not moving in the right direction.


  • nyctraveler
    nyctraveler Posts: 305 Member
    don't be bummed...same thing happened to me where i lost 7 and then gained 2 and refused to log it lol

    but now i'm finally down again. I think i lost the initial 7 too fast and then your body just stops losing/ gains back a few but i've stuck with it and ate the dreaded exercise calories and it came off this week....thank god
  • Inches is what I see gone first. The pounds come later. Dont be bummed about it! Im sure you are working very hard and that scale WILL move down sometimes soon if u keep at it! Huge hugs!
  • kristyyoung
    kristyyoung Posts: 30 Member
    don't be bummed...same thing happened to me where i lost 7 and then gained 2 and refused to log it lol

    but now i'm finally down again. I think i lost the initial 7 too fast and then your body just stops losing/ gains back a few but i've stuck with it and ate the dreaded exercise calories and it came off this week....thank god

    Thanks! Maybe that's it. I lost 9 lbs in about 2 weeks, and nothing since.
  • jen051279
    jen051279 Posts: 44
    I'm in the same boat. I am refusing to log also. I'm hoping we can get some advice. I need some way to change this up and start seeing progress.
  • shellyrulz
    shellyrulz Posts: 148 Member
    Don't be bummed! The fact you are losing inches is a huge acomplishment! Be proud of yourself and keep going, don't give up because you can defeat yourself.
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    I hate the scale! It hasn't moved at all in months. I have however dropped over 17" and have dropped in body fat percentage. I guess that'll work for me for now. Good luck.
  • kristyyoung
    kristyyoung Posts: 30 Member
    I hate the scale! It hasn't moved at all in months. I have however dropped over 17" and have dropped in body fat percentage. I guess that'll work for me for now. Good luck.

    Wow! 17" is amazing! Congratulations!
  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    don't be bummed...same thing happened to me where i lost 7 and then gained 2 and refused to log it lol

    but now i'm finally down again. I think i lost the initial 7 too fast and then your body just stops losing/ gains back a few but i've stuck with it and ate the dreaded exercise calories and it came off this week....thank god

    Thanks! Maybe that's it. I lost 9 lbs in about 2 weeks, and nothing since.

    Based on your ticker and your profile picture, you don't appear to have a whole lot of weight to lose. If you lost 9 pounds in the first 2 weeks, your body may just now be catching up since that is A LOT of weight to lose in such a short time. If you are losing inches, then you are still making progress. Don't get frustrated. Keep doing what you are doing and the results will follow. I will say that if you aren't eating your exercise calories, you probably need to. Either way, keep your head up and stay positive!! You WILL get there!
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Me TOO!!!! I'm stuck and have been for the last 13 days!!!! It's so frustrating!!!!!!! I also have lost 2 inches off my waist, but I'm trying to make it a total loss of 20lbs by April 9th.....hopefully I can, but I'm starting to think I can't!!!! Good Luck!
  • AngiMoss
    AngiMoss Posts: 77
    One thing that has become apparent to me is that I was paying attention to calories, fat, carbs, fiber, etc....but never bothered to pay attention to my sodium intake. I thought that was just for older people who needed to keep their cholesterol in check. Then I started learning all about how sodium causes bloat, which kind of seemed like a no brainer. But then it occurred to me that even though my calories & junk were right on target, I was eating a lot of pre-packaged food (which always has TONS of added salt) and restaurant foods (again=SALT!). I would eat a can of very low calorie soup everyday. I didn't think any thing of it, but once I started keeping track of my sodium, I realized that my one can of soup at lunch was more than half of my daily sodium! Plus, I was eating things like pickles & lunch meat as snacks. Super low calories, but full of salt.
    I don't know that any of this would apply to you, but if this goes on for a length of time, then maybe switch things up. Try different foods, try different exercise.
    Hang in there though....this is all common and it seems we all go through it at some point. You're working hard with your exercises and that is going to add muscle (which weighs more than fat) so as you firm up, you may see a hesitant scale. Just keep pressing forward. You'll get there!
  • kristyyoung
    kristyyoung Posts: 30 Member
    One thing that has become apparent to me is that I was paying attention to calories, fat, carbs, fiber, etc....but never bothered to pay attention to my sodium intake. I thought that was just for older people who needed to keep their cholesterol in check. Then I started learning all about how sodium causes bloat, which kind of seemed like a no brainer. But then it occurred to me that even though my calories & junk were right on target, I was eating a lot of pre-packaged food (which always has TONS of added salt) and restaurant foods (again=SALT!). I would eat a can of very low calorie soup everyday. I didn't think any thing of it, but once I started keeping track of my sodium, I realized that my one can of soup at lunch was more than half of my daily sodium! Plus, I was eating things like pickles & lunch meat as snacks. Super low calories, but full of salt.
    I don't know that any of this would apply to you, but if this goes on for a length of time, then maybe switch things up. Try different foods, try different exercise.
    Hang in there though....this is all common and it seems we all go through it at some point. You're working hard with your exercises and that is going to add muscle (which weighs more than fat) so as you firm up, you may see a hesitant scale. Just keep pressing forward. You'll get there!

    Thanks! I think the sodium is part of the issue. I have looked at my sodium intake since I started and some days it's ok... but most of the time it is over. I need to stop adding salt when I cook, and let my family add their own salt if they need to, but I won't. I have noticed that the bulk of my sodium is coming from snacks, like you said.

    Thanks for the feedback!
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