Ignorant statements



  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    "I think the reason I'm not losing weight is that I don't eat enough calories" . Um, trust me, if you weren't eating enough calories you would lose weight. Ask people with anorexia.

    Plenty of people stop losing if they arent eating, especially if they are using MFP- not eating enough slows your metabolism and throws all of MFP's estimates off. It's also a case of people not using the system correctly.

  • EricJonrosh
    EricJonrosh Posts: 823 Member
    One of the many great things about losing weight is the knowledge I've gained about the human body and healthy nutrition. I took a nutrition/fitness class a few semesters back and I can honestly say it changed my life. I even considered becoming a nutrition major for a little while, because there is an extreme amount of ignorance out there when it comes to eating...it's really quite sad what some people believe, even though it's an old wive's tale, or something a friend told them, or just something they heard. It irritates me to no end.

    I know it doesn't really harm me in anyway, but it does irritate me, but I guess I should take this in a positive manner, to think of all the things I have learned! For example, my roommate's reasoning for eating only once a day because 'eating less = losing weight' ....if I didn't know any better, I would see her reasoning, but that can seriously mess up your metabolism. Said roommate also doesn't believe in counting calories, "because the French don't and they're skinny." I know much better than that, and I think everyone should count calories, even if they just want to maintain weight. Calories are very important.

    So, what ignorant things have you heard -- AND, much more importantly, why do you know it was ignorant? :)

    She may have a point: more research is pointing to the 24 hour period of intake and usage of calories. Also, the French are skinny because they walk more and eat way smaller portions. A scoop of ice cream in France is the size of a golf ball. I wouldn't call those statements completely ignorant.
  • rodneyderrick
    rodneyderrick Posts: 483 Member
    The Weight Watchers theory that you can have all the vegetables you want everyday above those 'points' they count. Are you kidding??? Vegetables have calories too. I know one person that can't figure out why she's not losing weight on WW when she eats a bag of corn as her "free" food.

    When looking at the big picture, a person weighing 270 plus pounds didn't get there by eating too many veggies unless they were dipped in batter and fried. If a huge person snacks on carrots, celery, and things like that without any salad dressing or dressings of any type, I bet they would lose weight. How many veggies are we talking about anyway? I cannot imagine somebody eating one thousand calories of carrots in one night. Let's say a person weighs 320 pounds, takes in 1,800 calories worth of food throughout the day, and then goes on a carrot binge before bed, how many carrots would he have to eat before he gained weight? A person weighing 320 pounds needs approximately 3,100 calories just to maintain their current weight if they exercised three times a week, and WW encourages exercise. This guy would have to eat over 1,300 calories worth of carrots to start gaining weight. Is that even possible? This means this guy would have to eat nearly 12 cups of carrots. He'll most likely fall asleep before he can eat that many calories worth of carrots. He can end all his suffering with a trip to Carl's Jr.
  • qtpiesmom
    qtpiesmom Posts: 394 Member
    Corn ISNT a vegetable its a grain so a starch or Carb so many people think that its a veggie.
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Muscle weighs more than fat. Drives me nuts haha. Or "do drinks count?" ( as in alcoholic) They have calories don't they?! A little common sense now and then would be great. Then again I know many people who are very smart in certain fields but have no common sense.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    I love learning new things and that is one of the reasons I think MFP works well for me. I do read things here that I don't agree with however if there is something that backed up the information that would be helpful. I would look into it and change my opinion if it seemed warranted. There are a number of group thinks on here I don't agree with such as weighing daily is bad or chocolate is responsible for someone gaining weight. If you take away all the sugar and fat and eat purer dark chocolate it is good for you and has some metabolic characteristics that may be helpful to weight loss. I refuse to eat egg beaters to lose weight. However if weighing once a week, eating only egg whites and staying away from all chocolate works for you fine you are different than me and you may have different health issues from me. However I am not convinced yet just because I read it here everyday. I need to see evidence to change these opinions. When I read here about the weight loss benefits of green tea it made me wonder about white tea that I had read had even greater benefits for other health reasons so I looked into it and the studies are behind those for green tea but those that have been done are similar to the results for green and maybe even better. I do not expect anyone to believe me and they shouldn't. I do not have the time to check all the science of the studies anyway but some might look into it for themselves. I just want people to be successful. It causes me concern when I hear people feeling they should apologize for weighing daily. So I guess I am less upset with ignorant statements than that we all feel like we are responsible for our own health and we need to check out what we read, hear and decide what works for us. If we are not having success at our goals this site gives us alot of tools to find out why.
  • shaunshaikh
    shaunshaikh Posts: 616 Member
    "I think the reason I'm not losing weight is that I don't eat enough calories" . Um, trust me, if you weren't eating enough calories you would lose weight. Ask people with anorexia.
    Wow, the irony is INCREDIBLY strong with this one.
  • herbalgirl011
    I've heard some people say...My body uses everything I eat, so I don't poop.
    I don't know whether that can be considered ignorant or just flat out lying.
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    I wish that nutrition was a required course in junior high and high school.
    thats a good idea actually! that would be wonderful if it could help even just a few students eat healthier.