Julia Child's Bouef Bourguignon

woja9640 Posts: 450 Member
edited September 25 in Recipes
I am a foodie.... I admit it! LOL.

I love to cook and try recipes that appeal to me. I was flipping around the tv and landed n the Food Network which happened to be airing reruns of "The French Chef" with Julia Child. And wouldn't you know it, she was demonstrating how to prepare her standard boeuf bourguignon.

So out of curiousity I logged on to see if someone had added it to the database and it was added. Lemme just say I was both surprised and not surprised at the same time about how many calories one servings is.

913 calories per serving.

I knew it was going to be high because face it, it is french cuisine which is high in butter and other things. But I did not think it would be over 800 calories. Guess I will have to fidn other recipes of hers I want to try and see about the calorie count.


  • chiliflea
    chiliflea Posts: 695 Member
    Good grief! That must be one amazing boeuf bourguignion! Could you substitute some of the ingredients for lower cal options? try putting it into a recipe calorie counter and see what you could tweak before you shelve the idea - you never know!
  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    you could try to make a healthier version of it. that's what i'm doin with my fave recipes. use a different butter (i like blue bonnet light. it's 40 calories a servin) & try other things with it as well.

    what i've done is cook the recipe the regular way. then change 1 ingredient at a time. i try 2 make sure that the taste is the same & that the texture is the same as well.

    i figured out in my brownies i can change everythin for a lower cal brownie but if i change the sugar the text changes as well. so i have my choice of changin or not changin the sugar.

    i'm gonna do the same with my choco-chips recipe.

    altho 2 tell the truth my roommate is my guinea pig. hehehe
  • kcdrake
    kcdrake Posts: 512
    Is there any way you could substitute or alter the recipe a bit so it doesn't have as many calories?
  • roebuck1908
    roebuck1908 Posts: 185
    Vive la france.

    au moins elle en France, nous utilisons des ingrédients frais contrairement à vous les gens de l'Amérique
  • roebuck1908
    roebuck1908 Posts: 185
    Why not try spam and a cracker

    bump or whatever
  • woja9640
    woja9640 Posts: 450 Member
    You're all right about the substitution.

    Like I said I love to cook. Everything I have made so far has turned out delicious in my family's opinion.

    I think I will do the substitution and see how it goes. But I have to wait a couple of weeks. Though I have to say at least I will burn off calories while actually cooking LMAO!
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