The Last Ten Pounds

I’m Stormy a sixty-one year old Grandpa refusing to give in to aging. I’ve fought weight on and off since turning 30. Now I'm closing in on my happy weight (a little more than 10 pounds to go). The problem is – I’ve been here before and have crashed and burned then ate my way up to a new starting weight. This time I want to break through, make it there and hang out for a while (Say the rest of my life). Anyway, I thought I would enlist the help of a few good friends out there on mfp to encourage me and each other in the quest to shed the last dreaded ten pounds.

Please join me in this thread, “The Last Ten Pounds”, by posting your progress weekly - every Monday. Tell us a little bit about yourself and include things like:

Start Weight
Happy Weight
Time line?

Get started as soon as you see this post, however let’s make Mondays our official post day. I am allowing 20 weeks to get to my happy weight, so here is what I hope my post looks like three weeks from now:

Start Weight – 158.8 25 Mar
28 Mar – 158.0
4 Apr - 157.5
11 Apr - 157.0

15 Aug – 148 (Happy Weight)

Feel free to join us on this thread at any time. We need all the suggestions, guidance and encouragement we can get shedding those last 10 pounds.


  • Setof2Keys
    Setof2Keys Posts: 681 Member
    water, water, water...and a rest day. Then right back on the grind. I have to shock my system sometimes. I will have one not so great meal and then go back to doing well the next day. It works for me. Good luck...By the way, thank you for being an inspiration and not allowing age to get the best of you. It is not an excuse, just a better motivator!!...