Going to gym... gaining weight?!!?! HELP!

Ok... this happens everytime I actually start going to the gym. I will do cardio at the gym and keep a close eye on my food intake.. and instead of losing weight... I end up gaining it!.

I have been going to the gym for 4 days in a row now, doing the elliptical at level 10 for 30 minutes and burning 460 calories each day, and twice I did hip abductions and adductions, and chest presses and lat pull downs.

I started at the gym at 156.8 and yesterday I was 157.4 and today I weighed in at 158.2!

This happens every time I actually start exercising routinely.... Ill gain weight consistently for the first couple of days and it will discourage me and I eventually stop 5 or 6 days in.. and then will go back to the gym 2 weeks later and do the same thing all over again. I know that muscles retain water when they are exercised but when will this stop! When can I expect to start seeing the scale ... or the tape measure... go down!

My goal this week is going to be to go a whole week without weighing myself. I am a chronic weigher... I normally weigh myself in the morning... before my evening workout, after my evening workout.. and before going to bed (to see how it changes over night). This is going to be harder to stick to then even my goal of going to the gym 6 days a week because I like to see what I weigh so I can tell if the day before was good or bad. Ill need some support for this.. anyone want to help keep me off the scale? Or tell me what I am doing wrong or when the weight will start coming off?


  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,239 Member

    Hope this help you realize what is likely happening. It can take up the 6 weeks for this to stop.

    As for checking the scale that often, there is no need. Once you start eating and drinking for the day all the weight change is doing it weighing the food and water you have eaten and the urine and feces you have excreted. Even looking every day doesn't tell you if the previous day was good or bad because there are so many variables that will make your weight fluctuate up to 4 pounds a day without having your fat amount change at all. Since the scale is hindering you rather than helping, ditch it and start measuring with a measuring tape.