Goal weight???



  • mandycox1301
    Hi, Mandy.

    If you only have a few pounds to lose it`sm easy to set a goal weight. Some people have a lot of weight to lose to get to a so called normal weight. Just thinking about losing 50, 100, 150 pounds, maybe more, can be incredibly defeating. In those cases it`s so much more empowering to set small attainable goals. A five or ten pound goal gives you a point that you are able to reach in a short period of time. Give yourself a reward and set a new goal. Stay positive. You can do this.

    PS. - You`re welcome to use my response to that question. ``I don`t know what my goal weight is. I just know it`s less than I weigh now.``:happy:

    I love that! Thanks!!! I will be using that!!
  • TuscanySun
    TuscanySun Posts: 3,608 Member
    Thanks guys. I have already lost 33 lbs but like I said, I just keep getting asked. I never know what to say...=)

    Just say that you dont have a specific number in mind, that you just want to be and feel healthy. You'll know what the number is when you get to the right feeling.
  • TuscanySun
    TuscanySun Posts: 3,608 Member
    I am going to play Devil's Advocate and say that... having no goals means you reduce potential disappointments and eliminate deadlines.

    Usually people set a goal and its a temporal thing.... "I want to lose xx lbs by Xmas" or restricted by a quantity (lose 20 lbs)..They get dejected by failure, or get impatient from a lack of results and they fall off the wagon. And really what do people do when they hit a goal? (They usually stop)

    What you should set yourself up for is LIFE STYLE CHANGE.

    You are changing your life and getting healthy for the long run. How can that be disappointing?

    Its good to be healthy and comfortable in your own skin and if you do this right... you will be. At your own pace and your own time.

    Anyways... my Devil's Advocate 2 cents worth.

    Can I just say that I loved this response? When I first started, it was all about the goal number. Now, having survived a 4 month very frustrating plateau, its come to be about much more than a number. Its about chosing how I want to live, regardless of what the number on the scale is....which is exactly what you said...a life style of health.

    Nice post..thank you!
  • babyfatbegone
    babyfatbegone Posts: 42 Member
    It's been so long since I've been at a good weight that I don't know what it is either. I just let people know I'm taking it one pound at a time and when I get to my goal, I'll know.
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    Ironically I was looking at this site from another poster...


    And it really hit home as to what the experts "know"...

    BMI has me as obese, several more have my ideal body weight as between 155-170 lbs.

    Only one of them is close to what I think is right (200 lbs.). Almost all of them don't take into account your frame size. (And when your built like a linebacker like me... frame size is an important consideration!)

    The moral of the story is don't live to someone else's "ideal specification"... Live to be healthy!
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    I would make small goals, like someone mentioned previously, 5lbs at a time, or such, but I would also make an ultimate goal, even if it's the heavier end of a "healtthy" weight. Once you reach that you can decide if you want to lose more, or maintain.
    EDIT: that was supposed to say "healthy" LOL