I need some advice, please :)



  • 1113cw
    1113cw Posts: 830 Member
    Stay the course and keep exercising. Don't make it so difficult that you can't stay with it. My weight has gone up as much as 5 lbs in a single week and I have gone as long as 2 weeks with out losing anything. I wish I could show you my chart. I track my weight daily. One day I show a loss and the next day a 2 lb. gain. That was probably due to sodium and building muscle. Measure yourself. I have found a weight loss is preceded by a drop in inches.

    This is not unusual. I keep charts to prove to others it is never smooth.

    All the Best!


    I weigh myself daily as well, much to the shuddering it would cause here on MFP :laugh:
    But I do so, so that I can average things out at the end of the week, month, etc. I find it helps to know exactly how much my weight fluctuates on any given day for any given reason and if it's up a few pounds here or there, I don't sweat it and get discouraged since I know when I average it out, there's usually a loss.

    As for eating back exercise calories, I usually try to find a happy medium... don't eat them all back but try to stay above 1200 net each day or somewhere near it.

    Just what works for me.,,,,
  • carrie_lebel
    Hi, I think you are right about upping your calories. I did the 1200 calorie thing and I went no where. I upped to 1400 calories and I am back to losing. I am going to up again but i an just taking it slow Is your bmi in healthy range? If it is you shouldn't have such a huge calorie deficit. For starters change your lbs loss to 1 a week and let your body adjust to that for a couple weeks. It is amazing what more calories does.
  • LittleMissVintage
    Well I know my body works on a cycle It goes Lose 4 pounds quick then maintain for a month and right when I want to give up it loses another four pounds.... Its strange and Ill never understand it but Ive learned to stop trying to analyze it and feel bad about myself for something that probably is mother natures fault. Just don't give up and keep doing whatever your doing make sure you don't under eat and take your measurements to see if you are gaining muscle mass (which can result in weight gain)
  • xlacijeanx
    xlacijeanx Posts: 232 Member
    I can tell a bit of difference in my arms and thighs, not my abs (or lack thereof haha) so much. Unfortunately I didn't think to take measurements.
    I appreciate the words of encouragement, ladies! Crossing my fingers for a huge loss next time I weigh in now, McKay ;)
    @ Red01Angel-thank you! You're too sweet!
    @ Pb2myj-do you have a schedule of sorts you recommend? I was thinking of supplementing 30DS with some extra cardio...

    I honestly don't have a schedule for my routines, I usually go hiking a few times a week for about 1.5/2 hrs- I do The Biggest Loser Workout videos- since I'm still too heavy for higher impact like 30DS. But do something you want to try- some go take spinning classes- or Zumba- something to keep you moving but also have fun while doing it- boredom from routines every single day were too much for me before so knew this time I'd have to switch it up! I started just walked about 1.5 miles every evening in my neighborhood and slowly added in hiking and the workout videos- I'm still too much of a klutz to try Zumba or Turbo Jam again tho! lol