weigh in

What day do you weigh yourself in... also is there a time you weigh yourself in
Mine are on mondays when I 1st wake up as soon as I get out of bed its the 1st thing I do


  • kao708
    kao708 Posts: 813 Member
    Saturday morning, before any food or drink is consumed...after I use the facilities! :blushing:
  • Amybcb
    Amybcb Posts: 292 Member
    Honestly, I weigh myself every morning. It's pretty much the first thing I do before starting my day. I do it unclothed as I like to get a pure weight :)
  • precious71701
    Amen to that....LOVE the hardest you can!!!
  • HiDeeMay
    HiDeeMay Posts: 8 Member
    Do you find that you keep yourself on track better since you weigh yourself everyday? I wonder if I should weigh myself even 2 times a week or something?
  • butterfly_lvr
    I was almost OCD with doing weigh ins every day and had to stop; the weight is going to fluctuate day by day and I had to accept that. Now I only weigh myself on Sunday mornings (except for this week as we won't be home in the morning) and I do my body measurements on the same morning. It gives me less chances to get discouraged if I don't see progress right away and I just keep working at it. This last week I technically lost .8 pounds BUT I know I feel better so am not so worried that it was less than a pound.
  • jennywrens
    jennywrens Posts: 208
    I weigh myself every Sunday morning, after the toilet but before breakfast - just in my pyjamas. That is the weight I record down as loss (hopefully).

    I do, however, weigh myself every morning - but I don't make a note of any of the weights (its just to check I'm on the right track) because over the course of a week your weight will go up and down every day! If you want to weigh yourself every day just be aware of that so you're not discouraged!
  • LittleMissVintage
    I weigh myself everyday but never actually record till Sunday. This way I know I'm on track and then on Sunday I have something to celebrate. I also have a million different places I record my weight, 6 apps on my ipod and on a calendar in my room, so its fun to log once every week and see how much I dropped in that span of time. I don't record everyday because then I can only think about how I only dropped .2 everyday instead of being proud of the 1.4 I dropped that week.
  • alienblonde1
    alienblonde1 Posts: 749 Member
    I weigh in on Tuesday since its my day off.
  • sherry2626
    sherry2626 Posts: 49 Member
    I Like First thing Monday ...... But I have times where I likr to just check. Us Women with this "Water Weight" Drives me Nuts. LOL
    Good Luck!!:smile:
  • Losershawn
    Losershawn Posts: 152
    I weigh myself everyday but the official weigh in day is on friday.
  • ifiwasurvampire
    ifiwasurvampire Posts: 181 Member
    I weigh in on sundays, usually after I get up, use the bathroom and move around a bit. Then I weigh myself.but I do get weighed daily on my wii fit. And Thursday the biggest loser weighs me in.lol but I don't pay attention to those weighins. Only one that matters is Sunday :)
  • adholcomb
    adholcomb Posts: 33 Member
    Once a week on Sunday mornings prior to consuming and food or drink.
  • marci355
    marci355 Posts: 292
    Since I'm a "recovering scale *kitten*" :laugh: I made a vow to myself, NOT to weigh, but every few months. I used to make myself nuts, even on a weekly weigh-in, so I don't. Works for me!!