fat and forty

Hello everyone!!! I'm new to MFP. been doing this for 3 days and somehow I thought when I stepped on the scale this morning there would be a difference :(:sad: Ok- It's only three days I'll try not to be discouraged. I have been in and out of shape alot in my life. This time it is different though. My body is rebeling. It used to be that I would gain a few pounds then diet a few days and be right back on track. Now that I'm 40 I gain a few pounds, diet a few days..no change...get discoraged...gain a few pounds more...diet again...no change...Anyway you get the idea. All this has lead to a 25lbs. weight gain. I am a pretty petite person and 25 lbs is 20% of my weight. I look sloppy and feel terrible. I need to stop with the yoyo dieting and change my life for good. I'd love some advice from anyone who's over come the" yoyo".