What's your favorite P90X video?



  • blakgarnet
    blakgarnet Posts: 343
    just my 2 cents...
    since you're doing zumba (btw - LOVE Zumba too) and running, I'd try to focus on strength building that you can get from the P90X videos. Like others have said, you can modify any video for your abilities and what you have. Don't have a chin up bar? you can use resistance bands! I like the legs and back along with shoulders and arms (I did the lean schedule so did those a lot). For cardio, I liked plyo best (there are modifications to help if you have knee issues) and core second best. cardiox was only 43 minutes, so sometimes I did ab ripper x on that day as a bonus.
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    I'm getting plenty of cardio already, so I agree that strength training would probably be better...just to get in a good mix. Wal-Mart has a set of 3 resistance bands for about $15, so hopefully I can get a hold of some of those soon. I checked out the lean version today and it looks like more of a plan I could follow. I'm going to get this 5K under my belt and then maybe start the actual lean workout plan. Thanks, everyone, for all the responses!