35 lost, 15 to go

Lynn1315 Posts: 26 Member

I joined MFP in Feb 2011 because I was looking for a nice and easy place to count calories using a mobile app. Today is my first day looking at the message boards and i wish i would have looked sooner.

I am a mom of 2 beautiful daughters (6 & 3), and work full-time. 3 years ago, after having my youngest, I knew something had to change, but I wasn't mentally ready. About 2 years ago, I finally began exercising again. I have always struggled with my weight, but the pounds really came on in college, as I wasn't playing sports anymore. I really began to make progress and have lost 35 pounds in 3 years.

In January 2010, I became a runner. I started training for a 5K and just fell in love with running. It became my "me" time, the time I could think solely about me and not worry about whatever life was throwing at me. I started running more races including more 5k's, 8k's and 10k, and in Sept 2010, I ran my first 1/2 marathon. I'm now training for another 1/2 marathon on 5/1/11.

I feel like I have the exercise piece figured out. Its the calorie counting that I'm having a hard time with. Based on what I have been reading on the message boards, it appears as though I haven't been eating enough calories. i have been eating between 1200-1400 calories a day, yet some days burning 500 calories.. or on long run days, burning 1300 calories (and eating about 1500 calories). So based on what I'm reading.. I clearly think I need to up my calories.

I have 15 more pounds to lose, ideally I would LOVE to lose them by July or August, but based on the plateau I have been on, feel like it is hopeless. Today, I'm starting to up my calories and I hope to see some results.

Thanks for reading.. any thoughts or advice would be greatly appreciated.


  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    I am no expert but if you are eating 1500 and burning 1300 then that leaves your body with about 200 calories to survive on. The rule here is MFP already calculates a deficit so once you plug in your goals you should be eating you NET. If you are given 1560 calories ( as I am based on my goal of .5lbs loss a week) then I eat that...now if I exercise and burn say 200 calories then I need to eat 200 calories MORE to refuel what I have burned. If you are over or under by a bit it isn't horrible but you shouldn't go under 1200 NET.

    Again I am no expert and I am sure some will chime in but in my time here that is what I have learned :)

    ETA: Most people like to see an open diary so they can help with your foods.....height, weight and that too helps others to *kitten* your situation
  • Lynn1315
    Lynn1315 Posts: 26 Member
    Thank you kickrz for responding... I guess going through the boards this morning made me realize that is what I was doing wrong. I guess I didn't understand what the net calories meant, so thank you for the clarification!

    I will open up my diary, although this week was crazy at work, and I didn't document much. I'll be back on track today.
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    I have been here for almost a year and it took me until this month to realize what I was doing was ok then (when I was 30lbs heavier) but have to change. The more I read the more I have to stop and think and reassess my goal/days. I think I am finally "getting it" but still have lots to learn.

    Hopefully some of the more experienced members will stop by and help more with diet and stuff!

    Good Luck!