Impulsive start - but i finally started

I am 44. Worked out all through my 20's and into my mid 30's in between having my 6 boys. I have always been able to maintain staying under 150 lbs, size 10 - 12'ish.

But . . . . . . Gained 50 lbs in the last 2 years after having to relocated from NY to IL for my husbands job. Depression was overwhelming and I found myself drinking beer to cope and calm my nerves, which added weight which made me even more depressed.

I thought about how heavy I was getting, and thought about changing and losing weight all the time, but I just couldn't get myself to start. Kept setting "start dates" after a holiday or an upcoming function or a weekend, or the superbowl or this or that when I knew i would be . . . . well, indulgent in food and drinkg. I didn't have the willpower or dicipline to change.

I read a quote that said "the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome". I was depressed, drinking and fantasizing about losing the weight, but not doing anything different to make it happen.

Until March 17th -- no i didn't indulge in green beer - on a whim, i walked into a Cardinal Fitness place that was right down the street from where I work. I was on my lunch, saw it, pulled in, went in and signed a contract to meet with a personal trainer for 36 sessions and committed to coming on my lunch of the off days and doing cardio. It was like I was on auto pilot. But I committed and I started with Robin, my trainer March 21st. This is the end of the first week. I am very sore. But feel very good about working out every day this week and watching what I ate -- and minimal beer which included a switch from a regular beer to a low cal beer (Friday night only) =)

I found this site this morning by accident when i was searching the web to find nutritional information about the lbs of crab legs (no butter) that I had last night. I've been keeping a written food diary. This site will make my food and exercise tracking SOOOOO much easier!!! This is awesome!

So here's to not acting like an overweight insane person anymore!! LOL


  • TiDinzeo
    TiDinzeo Posts: 309
    Congrats, the first step is the most important. Without it you get nowhere.